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The door hitting the wall startles you awake. Your eyes fly open in shock as you take in your current position. You hadn't realised you'd fallen asleep yesterday as you realise you're currently curled up against Yoongi's chest, his arm thrown over your torso and your legs tangled together.

He groans, his arms tightening around you as he tries to go back to sleep. "Stop making so much noise."

You laugh softly at him, and make no move to pull away. His body is so warm. You're about to lay your head back down on his arm when someone clears their throat to your left. You sit up immediately, angling yourself towards the noise.

"What is going on here?" Namjoon's voice seems to boom around the room from where he stands beside Hoesok.

You look down at Yoongi not sure what to do and find he's already staring at you. "Uhh."

"I can explain," You start as you move away from him to sit on the end of the couch.

Namjoon and Hoseok wait for you to begin talking. You open your mouth only you're not sure where to begin. It had taken you hours and a lot of tears to tell Yoongi, you don't want to have to go through that again. Not when their eyes are staring at you as if you've committed some atrocity. Yoongi notices this and places a reassuring hand on your knee; you turn to give him a small smile.

"You don't have to explain yourself, Y/N."

You look up at them again, noticing the way their eyes flit between you and Yoongi, you feel judged under their gaze. You keep your mouth shut, which is a strange feeling for you. All of you have become so close over the years you were with Jungkook, but now they feel like strangers standing over you. You remember what Yoongi told you about Jungkook telling everyone you broke up with him and you feel your anger rise. You stare them both in the eye as you take a deep breath.

"I have nowhere else to go."

Hoseok scoffs at that, clearly annoyed. "You should have thought of that before you broke up with Jungkook."

You narrow your eyes at him. He doesn't know what he's talking about.

"I didn't break up with him," You say in a hard tone.

Both of their heads turn to the side slightly in confusion as Yoongi sighs beside you.

"Yes you did," Namjoon states.

You throw your hands up in the air in frustration. "Yes because if Jungkook says so then it must be true."

Hoseok raises his hands in a silent attempt to calm you down. You're surprised by the softness of his tone. "Y/N, tell us what happened."

You draw in a breath glancing to Yoongi who gives you a small encouraging smile. Where do you start? You can feel tears begin to prick at your eyes again, and you will them to hold off. You will not cry in front of them.

"After Jungkook and I left the club on Tae's birthday, we got in a fight." They nod as if they were already aware of the information, of course Jungkook would have told them. You continue. "He accused me of having a thing for Tae, and he got angry when I told him I did not." Their eyes widen the slightest bit at this; it's no surprise to you that Jungkook left that bit of information out.

You feel Yoongi squeeze your thigh gently; he knows what's was coming next. "I left that night. But we did not break up." You gesture to Yoongi. "Yoongi is the one who filled me in on that after I found Jungkook with another girl in our apartment."

You look at their faces, eager to see how this information will affect them. You're annoyed to find their faces in the same expression Yoongi's had been when you'd told him, as if they expected you to say it.

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