No, she didn’t think she could face him at the moment, not with all these pregnancy hormones kicking in right now.

But then she felt a strong force pulling her to a stop, almost landing her on her back. It was Kim.

She glared at her friend but Kim was glaring back at her. “Julianne, you can’t run. You have to face this. This is not you, remember? You don’t run.”

It was like a slap on the face. Yes, this was not her. She was not someone who would run. She was the one who would stop, turn around, and face anything. And that anything was Zach. He was running towards her with his grinning face.

Kim stepped aside and Julianne caught her hand. “Don’t leave, please.”

“I’ll be here,” her friend nodded.

Julianne squared her shoulders, her face blank. She could feel the tears behind her eyes as she watched Zach slowing down, his dark brown hair a mess, his green eyes holding hers, and his smile melting in a non-literal sense.

“I’m here,” he breathed out.

“Yes,” she just nodded.

Slowly, the smile on his face disappeared when he got a good look of her face. His eyes darted towards Kim who was standing beside her.


Zach wasn’t so sure how to handle the situation right now.

Questions flooded his brain.

Why is she here in the hospital? Why doesn’t she look so happy to see me? What is Kim doing here? Is she angry about the speech he made?

He finally decided to address the first question with concern. “Why are you in the hospital? Are you hurt?” he stepped forward, looking her over, and when he made a move to touch her, she stepped back.

Now, that one was like a big blow down his gut.

“Jules, what the hell is wrong?” he looked at Kim and asked when Julianne remained standing there speechless, her face pale. “What happened?”

Kim looked troubled, but he knew she knew what was going on. She looked at Julianne and then at him.

“Zach, I think we need to talk some other time…” Julianne started.

“No!” Kim’s word was stronger than his. Zach and Julianne both stared at her. “Tell him,” Kim told Julianne.

“Tell me what?” Zach asked.

Julianne looked confused, her eyes flickering everywhere except his. “I’m…I’m…”

“What?” he asked impatiently.

“She’s pregnant,” Kim hushed out the words impatiently. “She didn’t want to tell you because she just found out herself.”

That very moment, Zach felt like he was flying. Not because of full happiness, but with a mixture of different feelings. He was not sure he was ready to be a dad, but the thought that Julianne was carrying a part of him inside her was enough to put a smile on his face. “Really?”

“I…” Julianne threw her friend a look before looking at him. “Let’s not talk about this right now, please. I’m tired and I want to be alone for now—”


“Zach, please, just give me time.”

“What else do you need to think about? You love me, I know that. I love you. I want that baby. What else is there to think about?” he asked incredulously. Really, this lady needed to seriously consider if she could still think straight.

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