Chapter 13

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Callen felt rather content with Nell's comment about them talking about their relationship status. After Nell stated that the kiss meant nothing, Callen had lost all hope in the idea of them ever becoming a couple, however, now it seemed as if they were getting somewhere, whereas before? Before Callen didn't even think there was a relationship between the two. He merely just thought they were friends, even though he may have secretly wanted something more. Nothing could bring down his mood. He had fallen in love with the analyst long ago. The way she bounced in her step when she was happy, or the interest and confidence that she possessed when explaining the case to the team, the way she talked so technically that sometimes he didn't even understand her? These are all reasons of which had gave Callen a tug on the heart every time. He just never thought that she would ever feel something more than friendship for him. A guy that doesn't even know his first name. A guy that is almost the complete opposite of her. But what is it they say? Opposites attract? Callen wanted nothing more than for this statement to be true, because he couldn't think of anything better than being with Nell. Or maybe he was just over thinking this, and Nell thinks of him as a brother? Wouldn't that just be a punch in the face?


Callen looked up, to see Nell standing in front of him, looking at him.


"I've been calling you for five minutes. Are you okay?" Nell spoke.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm good. What are you doing out here? I thought you were with your brother and his wife?" Callen asked.

Nell laughed, "What in the world have you been thinking about? We've been here for two hours. Amber has had her baby. It's a beautiful baby girl. I thought I told you to go home like an hour ago. It's nearly twelve in the morning." 

Callen sighed, rubbing his eyes, "I told you I'd stay and wait with you. There is no way I was leaving you by yourself after what almost happened before with Jackson. Wait, did you just say we've been here for two hours? There is no way I have been sitting here for that long." He stated, feeling rather confused.

"Well, you have, if you didn't leave when I told you to. Are you sure you're okay, Callen? You seem like you've been running that brain of yours a thousand miles an hour. Do you want to talk about it?" Nell asked.

Callen shook his head, "No. No, that's okay. Come on, you ready to go now?" 

Nell nodded, "Yeah. Let me just say good bye to my Nick and Amber and we can get out of here."

Callen nodded, and let Nell go to say good bye.

"All right. Let's go." Nell stated, a few minutes later, once she returned to Callen.

"Hey Callen?"

Callen turned to face Nell, as they got into his car, "Yeah?"

"Why did you come to the hospital today? I mean, how did you even know that I was there?" Nell questioned.

"Okay, don't be mad, but Sam told me about your conversation with him earlier. I know he told you I have feelings for you. I came to talk to you about it. I figured you would want answers and an explanation. I didn't want you to feel obliged and I'm hoping that, even knowing how I feel, we are still able to be friends and it won't be weird between us." Callen stated.

"Sam obviously didn't tell you what I told him." Nell stated simply.

"I didn't give him time, I wanted to make sure you weren't mad at me or anything, because we had just become good friends and I didn't want that friendship to get washed down the drain just because I couldn't keep my feelings to myself. Even though I never directly told Sam how I felt about you, but being my partner in crime, he knew. He always knew. He just didn't say anything."

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