Chapter 3

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"Nell, are you sure you're okay?" Callen asked, looking up to Nell, who was sitting on her bench, while Callen tended to her wounds. There wasn't much for him to do, apart from cleaning up the few cuts on her face.

Nell nodded, "I'm fine. Although, if it weren't for you and Kens, I probably wouldn't be. So, thank you, again."

Callen smiled, "Anytime, Nell. I mean it. If you are ever in trouble or need help, please don't be scared to ask me. I'm here for you." He comforted.

Nell nodded, "That means a lot, coming from you."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Callen asked, frowning slightly.

"Just that....Well, you know, you're not exactly known as the soft and sentimental one." Nell commented.

"Well, maybe not. But, when it comes to the people I care about, I can be. "

"And, you care about me?" Nell asked.

Callen frowned, confused as to why Nell would ever think otherwise. "Why would you even ask that? Of course I care about you? I thought I made that clear in my motivational speech earlier?"

"I guess you did." Nell smiled.

"There. Now, you're good to go. Are you sure you're not in any more pain any where else?"

Nell nodded, "That's it."

Callen smiled, "Then down you get and let's get going, shall we? We don't want to miss out on all of the fun now, do we?"

"Most certainly not." Nell replied, getting off the bench, wincing in pain, as she did so.

"Nell? Nell are you alright?" Callen asked.

Nell nodded, scrunching her face up, trying to hide the pain.

"Yeah, I'm good. Let's go."

Nell went to walk, but clutched her stomach in pain.

"Okay, you are definitely not good. Why didn't you say something? You could have cracked ribs or something."

"I didn't even think about it. I was too caught up in everything. The only thing I was really paying attention to, was the blood dripping down my face and you." Nell replied.

"Right. Well, life up your shirt a little bit. I need to make sure you don't have cracked or broken ribs."

Nell nodded, lifting her shirt up slightly, scrunching her face up in pain once again.

Callen frowned, "It's definitely bruised. I'm going to press down softly, it might hurt, but I need to know if they're broken or just badly bruised, okay?"

Nell nodded, looking at Callen, as he placed two of his fingers lightly on her rib cage.

"Okay, now, hold you breath." Callen instructed.

Nell did so, as Callen pushed into her ribs.

Nell flinched in pain, "Okay, good news, it's just bruised. You'll be okay, within a week or two. Just take it easy, okay? The pharmacy will be closed now, but you should go in the morning and get yourself some painkillers. You might need them. If you want, I could get them for you?"

"No, that's fine. I'll be fine to get them. Thank you, Callen." Nell spoke, as Callen removed his hand and pulled her shirt back down.

"You're welcome. Now, do you think you'll be able to go out now? Or would you rather stay here?" Callen asked.

"I'll be fine. Come on, let's go. I'm starved." Nell replied.

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