Chapter 16

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"Well, it might not seem like it now, but you'll get past it. Trust me. But just because you and Callen may not be a couple anymore, if you even were one to start off with, it doesn't mean you can't still be friends. I mean, when Deeks and I thought we were doing the right thing by getting together, that was honestly changed, when we realised it wouldn't work. At least while we are both working at NCIS. Anyway, my point is, if we can stay friends through all we've been through, I'm sure you can too." Kensi informed.

"Hold up a minute. What did you just say? You and Deeks were going to be a couple? When the heck did this happen?" Nell asked, franticly sitting up and looking at Kensi, like she was completely fine all of a sudden.

"It doesn't matter. That's not the point of what I was trying to say. We are talking about you and Callen here. Not me and Deeks. Back on topic please." Kensi tried.

"Hell no. Forget about me and Callen. What's going on with you and Deeks? Come on, I thought we were best friends? We tell each other everything. Don't we? Or have I got the wrong idea about our friendship?" Nell urged.

"No, you don't have the wrong idea. Don't be silly. It was nothing. It's just like I said. We tried to make it work, but it was too hard. And we were worried about what Hetty might have to say about it. Now, I'm kind of glad we figured it out by ourselves. I don't think I could handle Hetty being so horribly opinionative and judgemental about my relationship."

"Why didn't you ever tell me?"

"By the time I could have, there would have been nothing to tell. It was over pretty quickly. I mean, it only lasted less than a week. We tried to keep it a secret, but it was getting too hard. You know how Hetty is. She knows everything. We didn't exactly want to get fired from working at NCIS. So, we chose our job over our relationship. But that was a long time ago. We are just good friends now." Kensi explained.

"Just friends? I don't know how you managed to get over him if you really wanted to be together. I mean, I think it's going to take a long time to get over Callen. I don't even know how or where to start. He is just so perfect." Nell commented, closing her eyes and laying back on her bed, as if she were dreaming.

"I don't know, maybe you guys are right. Maybe we were kidding ourselves. We don't know hardly anything about each other, as much as I hate to admit it. We just had such a great time together, doing the scavenger hunt. But I guess I shouldn't have taken it that far to actually kiss him. I've admired the famous G Callen for a while now, but now that I think about it, before a couple of days ago, Callen never even looked twice at me. Who am I kidding, we hardly even spoke before this whole scavenger hunt thing. Damn Hetty screwing everything up." Nell rambled.

"You know, Nell, it may not seem like it now, but Hetty is only trying to look out for you. Both you and Callen. Once you get past the facts, you will start to understand that. Look, If you and Callen really do have something more than just a friendship, you will know. Just give yourselves some time to collect your feelings and when we go back to Los Angeles, see what happens. You never know.....things might change. Just give it some time. I promise you, things will work themselves out." Kensi supported.

"I sure hope they work themselves out. I don't know how much longer I can take feeling like this. To be honest, I don't even know why I'm so worked up about this. It's stupid, really." Nell admitted.

"Look, how about we give this a break for now, and go have breakfast with Sam and Deeks. I'm starved, and it will give you a break from all this Callen filled nonsense." Kensi suggested.

"Yeah, okay. All this mess has made me work up an appetite." Nell responded.

"Tell me about it. Let's go." Kensi spoke, starting to walk out of the room, with Nell close on her heel.

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