Chapter 8

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"You never know, G. Give it a shot. See where you get. You never know. You might be pleased with the outcome." Gibbs stated, as they order their food.

"Says a guy that is completely against coworkers dating." Callen laughed.

"Well, maybe. But you know, what ever you choose, I'm will to support you."

Callen smiled, "I know you will."

"So, what exactly do you guys do in the Los Angeles office?" Bishop asked.

Nell smiled, "Exactly the same thing you guys do here. You know, fight crime and save the world. However, we're more of the undercover type of operations. We go undercover and draw out criminals that way. I don't go in the field much, I usually stay in ops with Eric and work from the inside."

"Ah, so you're a tech like McGee?" Bishop asked, causing Nell to nod.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that." Nell laughed.

"So, what about you? What's it like here?" Nell asked.

Bishop smiled, "We don't do undercover work. Mainly surveillance and crime scene investigations. We handle the processing of the crime scene and the body, which our Medical Examiner and his assistant do, down in autopsy."

"Have you been at NCIS along?" Nell asked.

Bishop shook her head, "Not really. I came here about two years ago. I used to work as an analyst for the NSA. That was until I had a case with Gibbs and he asked me to become an agent on his team."

Nell smiled, "I guess we are kind of similar in a way. I used to be an analyst for the DOD, before I joined Hetty's team in Los Angeles. Now, I'm training to become an agent. Callen has even offered to help sharpen my self-defence skills."

Bishop smiled, as she sat down on Abby's chair and turned on her computer.

Nell opened her phone, once she heard it chime, reading a message from Callen.

"Just gone out with Gibbs for a bit. Be back soon. Sam messaged me before they'll meet us at the hotel later. Won't be long."

Nell sighed, "Great. Callen left. I even threatened him with Hetty. Oh well, looks like you're stuck with me for a little bit longer."

"That's alright. I actually have some work to do, would you mind doing me a favour?" Bishop asked.

Nell nodded, "Sure, what's up?"

Bishop turned around, "I need you to run down stairs to the morgue and give these files to our medical examiner, Ducky, and tell him they're from Abby. You can use the elevator."

Nell nodded and smiled, taking the files. "Sure thing." She stated, walking out of Abby's lab and down to autopsy.

She walked through the doors and knocked on the side, letting they know that she was there, so they would get freaked out when they turned around.

"Hi there, I'm Nell. I was just helping Bishop in Abby's lab. She wanted me to being you these files from Abby." Nell stated.

Ducky turned around and pulled off his gloves, walking to Nell.

"Oh thank you so much! I have been waiting for these files for two days now. Mr Palmer, will you be so kind as to send Abby an email to tell her we got her files?"

Mr Palmer nodded, turning to his computer and writing up an email, before turning around to Nell.

"Hi, I'm Jimmy. Ducky's assistant." Jimmy stated, handing his hand out to Nell.

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