Chapter 11

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"The cab will be here in five." Callen informed.

Nell smiled, "Okay." She nodded, shivering.

Callen frowned, moving closer to Nell.

"Come here." Callen spoke, opening his arms for Nell.

Nell looked up and met Callen's eyes, nodding slightly, moving into his arms.

Callen wrapped his arms around Nell's waist, pulling her close to him, moving his hands up and down her back, trying to warm her up.

Nell smiled, moving her head up, resting it on Callen's chest, looking up at him.

Callen moved his head to look at Nell, and frowned.

"Why are you smiling like that?" Callen asked.

Nell smiled even wider, standing up on her tippy toes and kissing Callen softly on the lips.

Callen was shocked, and didn't know what to do, but before he could respond, Nell pulled away.

Nell looked down nervously, moving away from Callen.

"I am so sorry. I don't know what came over me. You know what, I think I'm just going to walk back to the hotel." Nell stated, quickly walking out of the building, leaving Callen standing there in shock, and majorly confused with what had just happened.

A few minutes later, the cab arrived and Callen was on his way back to the hotel.

"Hey, G! Where's Nell?" Sam asked, as he looked up from the table, where he, Deeks, Kensi and Eric sat, in the cafeteria.

"She's walking back now." Callen informed, continuing walking.

"Callen, it's pouring down outside. There are thunderstorms and everything." Kensi spoke.

Callen nodded, "I know. It was her choice, not mine." He stated, walking past them and up stairs to his room.

Kensi frowned, standing up and getting her keys out of her pocket, "I'll go pick her up." She spoke.

Deeks nodded, "I'll come with you."

"I'm going to go and talk to G. Something happened between the two of them and I am going to find out what it is." Sam informed.

Eric smiled, "If you guys have things under control, I'm going to go and see if I can help Abby with their case."

Kensi and Deeks drove down the street, in hopes to find Nell, and after about ten minutes, they found her sitting on a bench on the side of the road, in the rain, as if she didn't know it was raining.

Kensi parked the car, as Deeks opened his window.

"Nell! It's Kensi and Deeks! Get in the car." He spoke, projecting his voice loud enough so Nell could hear him.

Nell looked up, sighing when she saw Deeks' head sticking out of the car window.

She got in the car and sighed once again, "What are you guys doing out here? It's not safe to be driving in this weather. Do you not hear the thunder or see the lightening." Nell asked.

"What are we doing? What are you doing? You're sitting in the rain, freezing your butt off. I wouldn't be surprised if you got frostbite." Kensi spoke.

"Yeah! Kensi's right. You could have got frelted." Deeks commented, chuckling at his own words.

"Oh not again. I'm not even cold. I didn't want to go back to the hotel. Not after what I did. It would be too awkward." Nell rambled, almost to herself.

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