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Ariana POV:

I go into my bedroom and start braiding my hair, should I curl it or just let it air dry? Well I'm wearing makeup today since we have to talk to the school so maybe some waves couldn't hurt. Jason runs into my room, "Momma, I finish!" That quick? Hm...I don't think so Jason. I look over at him and his face is flustered, his hair is sticking all over the place, and he's breathing pretty hard. Raising my eyebrows, I open my mouth to question how fast he finished cleaning, but Jason raises his little hands up, "Follow me momma." He curls his index finger, signaling he wants me to follow him, I pin the first braid in place and take his hand.

Pushing his door open, Jason yelps when he trips over his shoe, "Oops, I guess that fell." We both step into the room completely, I glance at his bed, perfectly made, his shoes adjusted perfectly in place, I walk into the closet, the floor has no clothes on it. I open the drawers and see his shirts nicely folded, next drawer has his shorts folded as well. Hm, I guess Jason did clean after all. I go out and see Jason sitting on his bed swinging his feet back and forth with a big smile.

"I'm proud of you ba-," I narrow my eyes and scowl at him, "Jason Alexander Bieber!" His smile drops, his eyes go wide, and he gulps loudly, "Yes momma?" he weakly whispers. I walk up to him and squat down, lifting up his blanket I see all his mess shoved under his bed. "Can you explain to me what this is?"

"Uh...," Jason fumbles with his fingers, "...Mister Fluffers told me to!" I tilt my head to the side, "Jason...," I warn. He sighs in defeat, "Okay momma, I sorry I lied. Please don't tell daddy, please. Please. Please don't tell daddy. I promise I never lie again." Justin hates liars, he always has and when Jason first lied to him, he was furious. He has never hit Jason, Justin isn't violent person but he is sensitive so when someone important to him lies, it hurts his feelings. Lying is like saying, I think you're stupid and you won't catch on to the truth. At least that's how Justin feels.

My ringtone startles the both of us, Jason's eyes turn pink, "That's daddy, oh no. Momma don't tell him please!" He takes a deep breath, "I tell daddy." He walks out of his room, after 5 seconds the ringtone stops. I look up when I hear little feet and Jason on the phone, "Daddy, it's me Jase, your baby boy." Jason lets Justin greet him then takes a deep breath, his bottom lip quivering, "Daddy? I sorry okay. I promise to not do it again. Please don't get mad daddy." Justin replies. "I lied to mommy when I said I clean my room. I hide all my stuff under my bed and she found it and I sorry papa." Jason starts crying quietly, I hug Jason close to me, my baby. He chose to tell Justin he lied to me, I think that shows maturity to face the consequences, even though Justin wouldn't have gotten too upset I think Jason telling him about it will make him proud. "Okay papa, I love you. Here momma." He sniffles and hands me my phone. "I will clean now." Jason leaves my arms and takes his stuff out from under his bed and starts putting it all away. It's not much, only two shirts and a handful of toys.

I walk out of his room, "Hello handsome."

"Hello my lovely wife. I miss you."

"Justin, it's only been like two hours."

He groans, "I know, but I won't see you for a long ass time. I miss your face, your hair, your eyes, your smile, oh and those lips. God, how I miss those."

"Stop it. You'll see me soon. Anyways what happened with Jason?"

Justin sighs, "I'm proud that he told me he lied. I think he truly does feel bad about lying, the boy cried. I will have to talk to him about lying though, he needs to understand that lying never leads to anything good. Sooner or later the truth will come out. Hey, by the way, have you gotten started on the outfit for our date?"

"I have the cloth, today I'm cutting it to my size and starting the main stitching. Tomorrow I'm thinking to actually sew everything and placing it on the mannequin I have, then trying it on and any adjusting it needs I'll do it on Thursday. I'm so excited, I can't wait."

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