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Ariana POV:

"Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! Wake up! Wake up!" Ugh just ten more minutes please! I feel a small finger poke my cheek, "Momma, pwease. I wanna pway with you." I chuckle and finally open my eyes, I see my gorgeous baby boy. "Mommy! You awake!" I sit up against the headboard and open my arms as wide as I can for him to run to me. He tackles me, his high pitched giggle echoes in my ears. My baby, I sigh just admiring how much he looks like his father.

"What's wong momma?" I look down at Jason, shaking my head I whisper, "Nothing. Just looking at your cute little face." I suddenly lean down and smother his face with kisses. His laughs soon turn into small screams, "MOMMY! IT TICKLES!" I instantly stop, pulling away I see Jason's smile drop.

"Why you stop momma?" I smile sadly at him, "I don't want you to have to use your inhaler baby." Jason developed asthma last year, he's a very athletic boy. Having asthma has gotten in the way of him enjoying sports, he would cry because in the middle of playtime he couldn't breathe. It hurt my heart to see my baby so distraught when Justin and I told him that he couldn't play sports as much as before.

"Momma I'm not a baby anymore! I am fo' years old!" He holds up four fingers and smiles proudly at me. "Yes, Jase I know you're four years old, but you have asthma sweetie. We need to be careful. Where's daddy?" He shrugs his shoulders, "I don know mommy. But I hungry, can we make food?" Where did Justin go off to so early in the morning? I nod answering Jason's question, he claps his hands and jumps off the bed. Running, probably to the kitchen, I hear Jason scream, "DADDY!" I guess Jason found Justin.

I get out of bed, rushing over to the bathroom I quickly brush my teeth. Spiting out the water into the sink, I feel fresh. I stand up straight and slide my robe on, tying in the knot I hear Jason run back inside my room. "Mommy? Where you go? Look what daddy got me." I walk over to the door of the bathroom and see Jason bending down checking under the bed. "Mommy are you there? Did you get stuck? Is okay mommy I here to help you."

"Jason, honey I'm right here." He screams and turns around, "You scare me momma!"I push my body off the door and squat in front of him, putting my hands on my thighs I smirk at him and wiggle my eyebrows. Jason throws his arms around my neck and giggles, "Look what daddy brought me!" He takes his little arms off my neck and bends down to pick up a toy. He waves the toy back and forth in front of me, "It's Batman mommy! Look whoosh." Jason starts to move the action figure's arms and legs.

"Wow! Look at that! Go play with it baby." He nods and runs out the room into his bedroom most likely. I walk over to the bed and begin arranging the sheets when I notice a big urine stain on them. Sighing I take the sheets off the bed, Jason slept in our bed last night and I guess he was too scared to get up and use the restroom so he let it out. He came into our room screaming that someone was chasing him. Justin went to his room to 'check for monsters' and turns out Jason was scared of his new teddy bear. The shadow, according to Jason, was scary and he wanted to be with mommy and daddy. So I cuddled with Jason and Justin all night, I'm surprised I didn't realize earlier.

"Ariana, I brought you gifts too." I turn to see Justin standing in his work clothes holding an enormous bouquet of flowers and a square box. I furrow my eyebrows in curiosity and smile confusedly at Justin. "Open it." He pushes his hand in front of me, I take the box and open it. Gasping I look at Justin with wide eyes, "Justin! This is a Rolex! It's beautiful." I can't take my eyes off it, oh my goodness the detail of it is so beautiful.

" I can't take my eyes off it, oh my goodness the detail of it is so beautiful

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"I got it for you. Your watch is so old and you need a new one." I look down at my wristwatch, "Your watch isn't even a watch anymore, it's falling apart. Majority of it is tape." I close the box and close my eyes, when I reopen them I see Justin standing in front of me, "Put it on, I want to see the watch on you."

I shake my head, "Justin, it's beautiful. It really is and I appreciate that you bought it because my watch is currently not in the best conditions, but we can't afford this."

I put the box down on the nightstand, "Ariana, I know we aren't economically stable and we haven't been ever since we got married, but I want to make you happy. You deserve this watch and so much more. I just...I wish I could give you the world." I take his face in my hands, "Justin, this" I pick up the box with the Rolex in it, "isn't what I want. My world is Jason, who was created with your help. You both are just what I need. I love you okay?"

"I love you too Ariana. So much." Justin puts his hands on my waist and pulls me to him so there's no space between us. He leans his head down, "I love you" he whispers.

"DADDY!" Pulling away Justin groans, "I can't even kiss you Ariana." I chuckle and play with his hair, "Jason needs you. And I need you to return this watch because I don't need it."

"But I bought it for you." Justin whines. I sigh, knowing Justin won't cave in, he's so stubborn. "I know you did, but we need the money Justin. Please return it."

"Ariana. I want you to keep it. I won't return it. I bought it so you're keeping it." Sometimes I wonder if Justin is actually an adult, "Justin, if you return it then..." I bite my lip knowing this is the only way he'll do what I say, "...then I'll let you do anything you want to me."

Raising his eyebrow, "ANYTHING?" I nod in confirmation, "Anything." Pursing his lips Justin nods slowly, "Okay deal. I'll return the watch first thing tomorrow morning."

"DADDY I WAITING!" Jason's voice is so loud, I am so surprised as to how loud he can yell. 

"I'm coming Jason!" Jason squeals then laughs, his little footsteps are heard I'm assuming he's going to hide away from Justin.

"You not gonna fine me!" Justin pulls away completely and walks out to look for Jason. I smile at the thought of Jason and Justin playing. I always dreamed of having a baby with Justin from the moment I knew he was the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

I need to change the sheets. I turn around and tug all the sheets off, taking the sheets to the bathroom I throw them into the tub. I turn on the water and let the sheets soak in water while I get the second pair of bedsheets we have. While the water is running I get, from under the sink, the soap. I walk back to the tub, turning the water off I sink down to my knees. Taking the soap I sprinkle it in the water, I grab the bar of soap that I got at the supermarket and begin scrubbing the sheets to remove the urine stain.

After about half an hour I finally finish washing by hand the sheets. I stand up, stretching, I then lean down to pick up the sheets. I take them and spread them across the metal towel rack. I take a tub we have specifically for the dripping water I place it directly under the sheets so the water won't drip onto the carpet and ruin it. 

My phone rings startling me I jog over to the nightstand, I pick up my flip phone. I open it to see the caller 'Dr. Coleman' flashing. I quickly answer, "Hello?"

"Hello, I am looking for Ariana Bieber. Is this she?"


"Excellent. Mrs. Bieber, the results came in. Would you be able to come in to look over them with Dr. Coleman in two days?"

"Yes. Could I go around 11am?"

"That works out perfectly. See you in two days Mrs. Bieber, have a nice day!" The receptionist hangs up. I take a deep breath, two days. In two days I will know. 

✶ ✶ ✶ ✶ ✶ ✶ ✶ ✶ ✶

Chapter not edited.

First chapter is up. Next update won't be for a long time. Maybe. I don't know, I want to focus on Grandiose Catastrophe, but I like this new story idea.

Comment, if you want to, what you think of the first chapter.

Until next update,

Tanya xx.

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