A Consent Form

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Henry, Emma, and Killian all got settled in their new, larger, room. Both Henry, and Killian got their own beds in this room, and they said they'd pull a cot up for Emma during the night. It is definitely a better set up than the other room they were in.

Henry is sitting on his phone playing a game, he seems to be pretty addicted. Because he had drained his phone battery, he was sitting on the floor near the outlet so he could continue to play. It was probably a good thing that he was so addicted because it didn't give him time to worry about the surgery, not that he really was anyways.

Emma wasn't quite sure what to do with herself. There wasn't much she could do except wait, which was strange for her. It was only Tuesday, two more days until the surgery. She sat down on the couch, and just took a breath. She can tell this isn't Storybrooke anymore because she has time, time to process. It was nice to have a moment of thought.

The doctor, the one who said he wouldn't be in until Thursday morning, walks into the room sliding the glass doors open.

"Is everything ok?" Emma asks.

"Can we talk in the hallway?" he asks Emma, who nods and follows the doctor into the hallway.

"What's wrong? Is the surgery pushed?" she asks nervously.

"Hopefully, we won't have to delay the surgery, but we do need to clear up some paper work." Emma sighs, and takes a breath, it's just paper work.

"Ok, is it a consent form for Henry?" she assumes.

"Yes, but to fill out the form we need information we don't have. We're hoping you can give us the answers, and no delays to the surgery."

"Great, yeah of course. What do you need?"

"Who is the biological parent?"

"I am, and his biological father died when he was 12." Emma answers. The doctor quickly writes what she's saying, in what people call 'chicken scratch', on a pad of paper.

"Ok, and has Mr. Jones adopted him legally?"

"No, umm not yet, we haven't really talked about that yet. Why? Is that a problem?" she asks nervously.

"Oh, no I just needed to know if there was any other guardians who have legal authority over him. We were confused on how he got his last name, so we had to make sure we had all the information, but if his father is deceased, it makes sense." The doctor says, and starts to walk away.

"Wait, um he actually does have another guardian." Emma calls out. The doctor turns to her.

"He does?"

"He was adopted as a baby, it's kind of a long story, but we share custody. I can get her consent, do you have a form or something? I can get her to fax it over-"

"She needs to give her consent in person, I'm sorry, it's the law for a minor as a donor." He explains. Emma sighs in defeat.

"Isn't there any other options? You can call her, and get her verbal consent that way." Emma asks hopeful. Regina wasn't around, she was back in Storybrooke. This could be the delay she was afraid of.

"These kind of surgeries are not done often, but when they happen we have to jump through all the loops, no exceptions. You need to understand that some people with joint custody try and have medical procedures done on their children without consent from the other party. The rules in place for Henry's safety."

"I know, it's just Regina, his other mother, isn't in town right now. Please tell me this won't push the surgery."

"Without her consent there is no surgery, I'm sorry. You need her to come down here. I'm sure if it's a business trip her work will understand the importance." He explains to Emma, and her heart sinks. If she doesn't get Regina down here, Killian could lose his last hope.

"I'll get her here by tomorrow night, don't push the surgery, she will be here." Emma promises.

"Alright, when she arrives go to the nurse's station, and they will page me. If she gets here in time there shouldn't be any delays to his surgery."

"Ok, thank you," Emma said taking a breath before going back into the hospital room.

"Everything alright Swan?" Killian asks. She sighs, and he knows that that means it's not good. "What's the problem love?" Killian asks again. Emma looks over, and Henry is still playing on his phone, with headphones in.

"They need Regina's consent too we're both his legal guardians, they need both." Emma says quietly trying to keep Henry from getting involved.

"Well we told Regina, it shouldn't be a problem right?" he answers.

"It's not just that, she also need to be here to give consent. She barely let Henry leave her arms at the airport Killian, and now she has the power to stop the whole thing."

"Would she really do that? I think she understands that no one wanted it to come down to this."

"Who knows? Either way I have to call her up, and tell her about this whole consent thing." Emma sighs.

"I can talk to her, convince her. Let me call mom," Henry says, still not looking up from the video game. Emma and Killian both shot their heads to look at him, he wasn't supposed to have heard the conversation.

"I thought you had music on. Henry, don't worry about this. I can handle it." Emma says trying to convince him.

"Why not just let me talk to her? It would be easier wouldn't it?" he continues.

"Henry, I think it's better to keep it between the adults," Emma says. Henry sighs, they are still treating him like a kid.

"I can convince her, just let me try and help, right Killian?" Henry says turning towards Hook. He had helped with the rest of this stuff, Henry assumed he would be on his side for this too.

"Sorry lad, this time I'm with your mother, it should be between the two of them."

"Thank you Killian," Emma says in response.

"If you don't convince her we can't do the transplant?" Henry starts to stress.

"We need her consent, yes, but I can get it don't worry," Emma assures him, even though she's not sure if she will be able to.

"Ok, I trust you," Henry says, looking back down at the video game.

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