A Last Resort

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"Hey love," Killian says as he spots Emma whose back from getting her blood drawn, and sitting down on the chair beside his bed. He's still groggy.

            "Hey, how you feeling?" she asks scotching the chair closer so she can lean on the edge of the bed, and takes his hand in hers.

            "I'm fine love, where's the boy?"

            "School hopefully," She sighs.

            "Hopefully?" He questions.

            "I dropped him off before it started, but I'm not convinced he's still there," Emma tells him.

            "Why not?"

            "He was acting strange this morning. He didn't want me to take him to school, and he barely talked to me on the way there."

            "He's a teenage boy, he's having trouble expressing his feelings, it's normal."

            "I know," She sighs. She brings his hand up to lips, and leaves a gentle kiss, "I gave them my blood to test this morning, we should get the results back in a couple of hours."

            "Are you sure you want to do this Emma? There's still a chance I can get a donor from the organ people,"

            "No. If I'm a match, we're doing the transplant," Emma tells him. She leans over the bed, and they share a sweet kiss.

            "I love you Emma," He tells her when their lips part. She smiles, and leans back into the kiss.


            Later that day, Mary Margaret is talking to Emma in the hallway, as David was with Hook in the room.

            "Emma are you sure this is what you want to do?" Mary Margaret asks motherly. Emma crosses her arms defensively.

            "Yes, I'm sure. You don't need to worry, we've been through a lot worse. We don't even know if I'm a match yet."

            "What if you're not? Emma what then?"

            "That's what I wanted to talk about," Emma says cautiously. "If I'm not a match, he'll die. Unless we can find him one."

            "Yeah I know," Mary Margaret answers oblivious to what Emma's hinting at.

            "If the results come back, and I'm not a match..." Emma hesitates, "would you guys get tested?"

            "Oh Emma," Mary Margaret sighs., but before she can say anything else Emma steps in.

            "I know it's a lot to ask, but it's his life at stake. It's only if I'm not a match. I love you guys, but I love Killian too. I can't lose him, especially when there's a chance that someone can save him. I hope it's me, I hope I'm a match, but if I'm not I need to know that no one else is before just watching him die in that hospital bed." Emma says breaking down. Mary Margaret wipes the tears from Emma's cheek.

            "Ok," She agrees. Emma's eyes widen, and a slight smile appears through her tears.


            "Yeah, you're right we should at least get checked."

            "Thank you mom," Emma says, and grabs Mary Margaret for an appreciative hug.

            "I'll take David, and get it done now."

            "But my results aren't even back yet," Emma says wiping her final tears away, and getting herself together.

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