A Match

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"Mom," Henry says walking into the hospital room. Emma's asleep lying in bed with Hook. "Mom," he says again, this time shaking her shoulder. She's jolted awake, and her elbow hits Hook in the side.

"Ugh," Hook groans. Emma cringes knowing she just accidentally caused him pain.

"Sorry," She whispers to him.

"It's ok love," he responds. They both sit up, and Emma swings her legs off the side of the bed.

"Hey kid, what are you doing here?" Emma asks.

"Did you sleep here all night?" Henry asks changing the subject. Emma pulls her phone out of her pocket, and checks the time. It's 8:15 the next day.

"Yeah I guess I did. It's early, what are you doing here?" She asks again.

"I thought I'd stop by before school. So what's happening? Do they know what's wrong with you?" He asks Hook.

"Aye mate, apparently I need a new liver."

"Oh. Are they sure?" Henry questions.

"Yes I believe so. Why do you ask?" Hook wonders.

"It's just liver failure it's... it's normal. No spell, no curse, there's nothing magical about it. It doesn't make sense."

"Sometimes people just get sick Henry. Don't worry, we're going to get him a donor, and then he'll be fine. Maybe live another 200 years," Emma says to Henry. There's a knock at the door, it's Whale.

"Well it's been more than a couple of hours. Do you have a match?" Hook asks.

"I found one, yes, but I also checked the requirements. To receive a liver from UNOS, you need to be approved, and you my sir won't get approval."

"Why not?" Emma stresses.

"The liver failure was caused by the alcohol consumption. UNOS doesn't grant liver transplants to alcoholics."

"I'm not an alcoholic," Killian interjects.

"Well you don't go light on the booze Hook. I know you're not an alcoholic, but after drinking steadily for over 200 years, it will seem that way to the members of the UNOS board. The point is that you won't get a liver for UNOS."

"But without a transplant, I'll die..."

"There is another option," Whale begins.

"What is it?" Emma asks eagerly holding Killian's hand in hers.

"I didn't want to mention this before, it's not ideal, but now it's the only option," Whale says.

"What is it?" Emma repeats.

"The liver is the only organ that can regenerate. If you are a match Emma, you can give Killian half your liver."

"No. Love I won't let you," Killian says quickly. Emma squeezes his hand.

"I'm getting tested Killian," Emma demands, ignoring his rejection.

"Love, it's too dangerous."

"Killian, it's not up to you. I'm checking if I'm a match," she insists. He sighs, but gives a slight nod.

"Me too," Henry adds.

"No," both Emma and Killian say simultaneously.


"Because it's too dangerous for you," Emma says.

"But it's not for you?" Henry replies. Emma gets off the bed, and grabs Henry's backpack off the chair.

"I said no, now let's get you to school," Emma says heading out the door. She's not letting Henry think this is a negotiation, it's not, it's a no.

"You don't need to take me, I can get there myself," Henry says a bit agitated, and taking his backpack from his mother.

"No, it's ok I can drive you kid,"

"Mom you really don't need to-"

"I'll be back in 15 minutes," Emma tells Killian.

"Alright love," He says back. Emma holds the door open, and motions Henry through. He sighs to himself, and continues to the hallway. Emma gives Killian a goodbye smile, and he sends a smirks back.


"Hey I brought coffee," Emma says as she walks back into the hospital room. She lightens her footsteps when she sees that Hook is back asleep. She sets the coffee down on the side table, and sits down on the chair beside it. She smiles watching him sleep. There's a light knock at the door. Emma turns around, it's Dr. Whale. He motions for Emma to come into the hallway.

"Are you ready?" Whale asks Emma when the door closes behind her.

"For what?"

"The blood test, to see if you're a match for Hook. Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yeah of course, let's get the test done," She responds. They walk to a room full of people getting blood drawn. "How much do you need...?" Emma ask starring at the people who are filling full bags of blood. Dr. Whale notices her gaze.

"Oh, no those people are giving blood to the blood bank," Whale tells her, "You'll only have to give a small vile, that's all we will need to see if you're a match," he explains. Emma lets out a small sigh of relief. She would have done it for Hook either way, but she does get woozy looking at her own blood in bags like that.

"And if I am?" she asks.

"Then we'll send you on your way to Princeton Plainsborough hospital."

"Where is that?" she asks.

"New Jersey,"

"Why so far? Isn't there a closer hospital that can do the transplant?"

"There are hospitals everywhere, but Emma this is the one you want to go to," He assures her. She looks at him with skepticism, but he gives her a look that lets her know not to ask any more questions.

"Ok," She agrees, "So let's get this over with," Emma says slipping her red leather jacket off. Whale calls over a nurse, and she sits Emma down on a chair. She takes her blood.

CHASing Swan (under revision) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें