An alcoholic...

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(Chase's POV)

I walk back to House's office which isn't far. Now the rest of the team is also there. Thirteen brought me a coffee. They are looking through files trying to find an interesting case. They obviously haven't had much luck.

"So Chase how's the mystery girl?" House blurts out in front of everyone in the group. They, having known House for a long time, don't even raise their eyes from the files despite the comment. I appreciate them trying to stay out of it, but know that House will just drag them into it anyways.

"It's her." I say, and take a seat where my coffee was.

"And?" House asks leaning his hands on his chin like a child trying to look cute. It wasn't working.

"And she acted as if she didn't know who I was. She even made up a fake name." I say knowing he'll get it out of me eventually. With House you have to just give him what he wants.

"Really? A fake name? You sure it was actually her? Not just a great looking secret twin she never told you about?"

"Yeah I'm sure. I know."

"Not here for work then I guess." House says trying to analyze everything I'm telling him.

"No she's here... with someone." I say opening a file from the pile in the middle of the table. Thirteen closes hers, and finally asks the question her, and Taube have had since I walked in.

"Ok, sorry, who are we talking about?"

"Cameron," I sigh, head still looking down at the file.

"Cameron's here? Where'd you see her?" Thirteen asks intrigued. Taube closes his file now too, and joins the conversation. I knew this would happen. 

"Was she in front of her boyfriend when she said she didn't know you?" Taube asks. I nod. "Oh, it's simple then. She never told him she's divorced," he says sure of himself. I look at him suspiciously. "Ok everyone here knows I am a cheater, don't give me that look. I know this stuff."

"If she hasn't told this guy that she's been married, I doubt it's serious," Thirteen adds.

"Serious enough that she came to the hospital with him," I say.

"He's sick?" Taube asks, I shot him a glare. Why else would they be here?

"I assume so, he was in a gown. There was a boy too," I say remembering the kids nature, something about the boy was familiar, but I can't put his finger on it. Who was he?

"A boy? How old?" Thirteen asks. I think back.

"Um 14 maybe 15," I assume.

"You think he is the guy's son?" Thirteen infers.

"If she's met his son, it's serious," Taube adds.

"I know, but she's obviously lying to him, he has no idea who I am," I say, my frustration definitely showing in my tone of voice. I take a deep breath to calm down.

"What's the guy in for?" Taube asks.

"I'm not sure, I didn't look at his chart or anything, just saw him, and her,"

"Wait when you saw her yesterday what floor was she on?" Thirteen asks obviously with a train of thought.

"Um second floor lobby, then today just at the front desk here," I say trying to figure out the idea she obviously has.

"I think I know what he's here for. I have a friend on the transplant surgical staff, and she was telling me about a liver transplant with a minor, sounds like the same people to me."

"Oh great..." I says with a loud sigh. "The man's an alcoholic, geez Cameron." I rub my hand on my forehead, angry at her for doing this to herself... again.

"You don't know that, there could be a number of reason for liver failure," Taube says.

"If the hospital agreed to let a minor be in a transplant he obviously didn't meet UNOS regulations," I say flabbergasted that no one else is realizing this. Why can't they just agree with me, just this once?

"Or he didn't find a match on UNOS. He could just have a rare blood type that his son shares. It's completely possible, it actually makes the most sense." Thirteen ads.

"I'll put money on him being alcoholic, it's Cameron after all. I'd be surprised if there wasn't something wrong with him." House says. I nod in agreement, then look at him hearing the last thing he said, and realizing that I was grouped into that.

"I'm not messed up," I defend myself.

"And you two are still happily married... oh wait," house jokes. I roll my eyes.

"That's not why we ended things House,"

"No, she ended it because you were corrupt, something she couldn't fix."

"I'm NOT corrupt."

"Me neither, it was just so hurtful to hear," he says sarcastically with a sad face to match. I make my way towards the door. I don't need to stick around for more of this. "Wait where are you going?" he asks.

"Going back home, we don't even have a case," I say continuing to the door.

"No you're not, you're going to look in that guys file aren't you." He says. I continue out, and down the hallway not acknowledging that he was right. He's always right, and he knows it.

CHASing Swan (under revision) Where stories live. Discover now