A Sight To See

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"Hey, you almost ready to... go" Emma stutters as she walks into the room, and sees Killian getting dressed out of his hospital robe. "You're not wearing a shirt," Emma says putting down his coffee on the table not taking her eyes off him.

"Aye Swan, I wasn't wearing pants either a minute ago," he teases. She smirks.

"Well you don't look too sickly to me," she says admiring his torso. He grins, and squirms into his black t-shirt with only his one hand. Emma grabs his leather jacket off the chair, and hands it to him.

"Thanks love,"

"No problem. Have you ever been on a plane before?" She asks taking a sip of her coffee.

"No, but the Jolly Roger has flown before, now that was a rush," Killian responds.

"Your ship can fly?"

"Aye she has, anything can fly under the right circumstance. Has Henry?"

"Yeah to New York, when he met Neal for the first time. You nervous?" She asks.

"About flying, no love my nerves don't rattle so easily," He jokes.

"I meant about the transplant," she says getting a little more serious.

"Oh," Killian hesitates "Should I be?"

"I think it's normal to be, but you'll be fine, you'll both be fine," Emma says, not quite believing her own words.

"I know it was difficult for you to allow your boy to go through with this, but you're right he'll be fine," Killian assures her. He wraps is hand around her shoulder, and she rests her head on his with a soft sigh.


The plane ride went well. The only bump along the way was that Killian obviously couldn't bring his hook on the plane. He insisted on putting the hook into their packed luggage, but Emma eventually convinced him it was best to leave it behind completely. People in the normal world don't have hooks for hands. Instead he wore his prosthetic hand for the trip.

Hook entered the E.R. and they placed him in a room. The doctor told them what they already knew, that Hook was in liver failure. They took blood from Emma, and Henry to check for matches again. The results came back much quicker than in Storybrooke, the test only took a couple of hours. Like they expected Henry was a match, Emma wasn't.

"Well we're going to keep you set up here, but the earliest we can perform the transplant surgery is on Thursday. Don't worry your liver is strong enough to keep you alive for at least another week past Thursday so the wait shouldn't be a problem medically." The doctor tells them. Thursday is three days away, not too bad.

"So I should be fine then?" Killian asks the doctor.

"You shouldn't be in dire straits," he answers. Emma holds Killian's right hand. "You're quite the young man," the doctor says extending his hand to Henry. He shakes it. "You're saving your father's life you know," he continues with a smile. Emma opens her mouth to correct him, but instead Henry just says;

"I know," smiling back. Emma and Killian both look to him in awe.

"Alright, well I have to get going now, but I'll come and meet with you Thursday morning before the surgery, and go over the surgical plan and recovery information," the doctor tells them then heads out of the room.

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