Chapter Four: How To Be Grateful

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A/N: Hey guys I never actually got any votes on that poll for their first hunt. So I had to decide myself. Since I've recently become overexcited about all things Until Dawn I chose wendigo so the next chapter will be about their first hunt. And note IT WILL GET GOREY!!! But for now... Lets give Sam a little love considering he never gets any girls in the show without them dying. Please note she will end up dating Sam on and off within the story but she DOES end up with Cass for the majority of the story.


It's been a month since Sam and Dean saved you from that pervert demon. You've been trying to express your gratitude but you can't find a way to do it. But today an idea hit you square in the chest when you heard Sam and Dean talking about a new hunt. You smiled to yourself thinking of how proud Sam would be if you became a hunter just like him.

Your face turned red when Dean looked at you and asked "What're you thinking about that's got you so... smiley?" You tried to laugh it off "O-oh nothing... Heh heh..." He smirked "Probably thinking about me... What else would make a girl so happy!" he said in a playful tone.

Sam punched him in the arm. "Dude stop flirting with my girlf- I mean... uhm... Stop flirting with (Y/N)..." ha said protectively his voice faltering towards the end of the sentence. Dean laughed "Dude did you almost just call her your girlfriend!?!" he asks between chuckles. Sam's face reddens and he looks down. "N-no... that's... no..." he said embarrassed.

You laugh quietly. For the first time in years. You laugh harder and harder till you can hardly breathe. The two brothers look at you confused and Sam looks a little hurt. You quickly quiet down slightly. "N-no! Sammy! I'm not laugh-ghing at the idea of us b-being together!" you say chuckling. "I'm laughing at h-how shy you're being!~" you say walking over to him and sitting in the chair beside him. He smiles and looks down at you. You smile back.

You hear a cough come from across the table and you both look at Dean. You frown. "We were trying to have a moment Dean." Sam says angrily. Dean smirks "Oh don't mind me! Just continue. Moment away!" he says putting his chin on his fist he stares at the two of you. Once You and Sam realize he isn't going anywhere you continue having your moment.

Sam smiles his eyes looking away from you his face is red. You look up at him smiling brightly. He leans closer to you. You giggle a bit and you hear Dean chuckling. Sam glares at him. Dean just shakes his head "Listen to Shia LaBeouf man... Just do it..." he says chuckling. Sam nods understanding the reference his brother is making. Sam looks back at you.

You can feel his warm breathe on your cheek and you shudder. Sam chuckles and plants a kiss on your nose. You pout and cross your arms. "Is that all I get!? After all of that waiting for you to man up? That's all I get!?" you ask sulkily.

Dean burst out laughing and falls to the floor his face red he's laughing so hard. "O-oh my God Sammy! O-oh God! THAT IS TOO MUCH!!! I'm dead... just dead..." he cries tears running down his cheeks. You frown. "Deaaaaan! It isn't funny! Is my pain funny to you!?" you ask.

Dean straightens up and coughs "No..."

You smile broadly at him. "Good!"

~End Chapter Four~

Castiel x Reader: Broken RoseWhere stories live. Discover now