Breaking the door of seperation

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You guys will hate me for this.. :'D..

Last Chapter.. (SHEHRY'S POV)

We landed four hours ago in Dubai, My head is literally spinning and legs can give up anytime soon..

My heart is at ease that she is somewhere, somewhere near me.. When we left for Dubai we made sure to lock those bastards and bitch in jail..

"Sir, Shehryaar Sir.. You haven't eat since days, your muscles are loosing, and I can clearly hear the grumble of your stomach.. Please eat something" Anas said with a worried face but I simply declined the offer..

Is she okay? Did anyone offered her food? Did she ate anything? Is she even missing me because I am missing her like hell..

"Sir, Shehryaar Sir please for Ma'am Zenia's sake.. She will kill me finding you in this state" he said with a horrified expression, I can already see her yelling on him.. I chuckled..

"You really love her? Don't you Sir?" He asked I look side ways to him, he is having that million dollar smile on his face..

"She is my need, my drug, my Ocean, my land my everything Anas, how can I not love her? I love her to death" I said each and every words came from depth of my heart and it hurts, hurts so much.. I couldn't feel her , I can't see her eyes, her face.. I miss her..

"Really? " He sounded surprised but it soon turned in genuine smile when I nodded..

Days without her made me realize her worth, she worth everything, my love my attention.. She was ready to stay in that tunnel for years but didn't wanted me to die, she was clearly in pain but begged me to just leave her alone and go away.. How could she? She don't even love me.. I sealed her house but she never hated me, nobody in their right mind would've talked to me that normally after what I have done to her.. But she is different. She is like a Ocean, so calm so soothing..

"Sir, Shehryaar Sir" Anas looked at me and then eyed the tray of food in front of me..

"Anas" I sighed..

"Eat for her sake please" He pleaded and I nodded, I took a bite and swallowed it with so much power..

It felt as if I am eating rock..

"I can't eat Anas, I need to find her I swear I'll eat trucks of food but after I find her.." I never plead to anyone, but everything is making me weak, low and dull..

"Okay" He sighed we stood and left the hotel paying the bill..

"Where to next?" I asked Anas who was busy analyzing the map..

"The good thing is Dubai is not that big, we've already searched the half of the Dubai.. I'll call Charlotte and inform her to send her team to another way, while we'll go check on Burj Khalifa.. Good enough?" He heaved a sigh putting the map back in his side pocket.. I simply nodded..

"Yea, sent them other way.. Yea great.. We will be at Burj Khalifa.. Yea will inform.. Haha.. Naah he'll be fine when she will be with him.. I hope so too" Anas was talking on phone while I drive us to Burj Khalifa, which wasn't that far from hotel we stopped by..

I parked the car and got out, already walking towards reception.

"Sir, Shehryaar Sir.. I'll go talk to them.. Just stay here.. Okay?" He asked and I simply nodded..

"Hello, Geez you're hot" I heard Anas talking and my jaw literally fell on ground.. What is he doing..

"Ohh pretty boy, Thank you.. You don't look bad yourself" Receptionist clearly flirted batting her eye lashes..

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