"That would be nice."

I looked back at David who was playing with his action figures. He looked so careless. So free.

"Are you excited to see grandad and grandma again?" I asked and he looked up at me with confusion.

"I thought we were gonna stay with Liam?" David said.

"Yes for one night. Tomorrow we are going to grandma's house and live there for a while."

"I don't really want to go mom. I like our house." He said looking down at his toys.

"I know. I'm sorry. We'll have our own house again soon enough." I said trying to smile.

Liam gave me an encouraging rub on my leg and I smiled at him. He was to good for me. He picked up pieces of a broken girl and decided to put them together again no matter how long it took. I admired his patience with me. I wasn't really easy going lately.

I hadn't seen my friends since I got back. I saw Eve and Perrie for a while, but I think they just didn't really know what to do with me. I barely spoke or even paid attention to them so I think they gave up after a while. The only one I still speak to is Gemma. For some reason I just really needed to be around her and she was there every time. I saw the boys a lot as well, but they also felt the pain of losing a friend, so most conversations were about him and that hurt.

"Alright David, what would you like to eat?" Liam asked.

"Pizza!" David yelled and we laughed. Of course he wanted to eat pizza.

"Well let's go get some pizza then." Liam smiled and we pulled up at a restaurant.

We got out of the car and I was looking in my window straightening my hair.
I hated how short it was. I was getting upset the longer and looked at it and Liam noticed.

"You look beautiful, baby." He said as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I turned around so we were face to face and I let my forehead rest on his chest.

"I look ugly and tired." I sighed.

"You look gorgeous and tired." He smiled lifting me chin and giving me a quick kiss.

"Let's go inside." He said as he guided me towards the entrance.

We ordered some pizza's and some drinks and I asked David about school. He told me all about how they went out to find bugs today and about the ones that he had found. He was very passionate about nature and loved being in outside. I loved that about him. He was such a free spirit.

I asked Liam about his day and he told me about the things he did at work today. After the whole Jason thing I think he realized he needed a new job so he found a job as a financial consultant. Very boring, but he loved it. I had dropped out of school since I couldn't dance anymore with my knee injury and I haven't gone back to school since. I stopped working at the diner and picked up a job at the zoo. Call me crazy but that was the only place I felt close to him. I was there pretty much everyday and if I wasn't I was at home writing lyrics and trying to catch some sleep to make up for the sleep I lost the night before. I barely ever slept.

After we had finished our dinner we went to Liam's place.
He had a spare room and sometimes David would stay with him so he had bought an extra bed.

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