Needless to say, it was the best Monday morning a girl could hope for.

AN: Sorry, people, no smut ;). You want smut? Imagine it in your head, because I don't have the experience nor the mind to write it. On another note- yes, Thea is only 17, but the laws of consent are different in the werewolf world. Plus, she (much alike myself) is from Britain, where the law of consent is 16. So please don't jump down my throat :) Au revoir, mes petits pois!

A few hours later, after several steaming showers and a tub of ice cream, the soreness in my groin eased slightly. I plucked up the courage to go downstairs, where I knew Damien would be waiting. I could envision his triumphant smirk and proud posture. What if he'd told someone? What if he'd-

"Why hello, T. How're things?"

Alex's knowing smirk tore me from my reverie and I glared at Damien, whose shoulders were shaking with barely contained laughter.

"Don't even talk to me, Alex, or else-"

"What was that, Thea? I agree, Virgin Mary was a darling. Speaking of virgins, I hear you aren't one. How does it feel? How did it feel?" he probed, waggling his eyebrows.

I calmly brandished the carelessly placed spatula and flung it at my mate. He shouted something incoherent and regarded me with wide eyes. Just as he was about to speak Delta Jacob sauntered into the room, smiling mischievously. His eyes glinted as he caught sight of me and I was tempted to give him the finger.

"Who else have you told?" I asked Damien, placing my hands on my hips.

He avoided my heated gaze and scratched the back of his head. "My mom, Ryan, Neil, Jacob, Alex, Leila-"

"Leila?" I exploded.

He flung his hands up in surrender. "She was there when I told Jacob, and-"

"Does Jake know?" I queried.

"Jake is down in the cells. Of course he doesn't." Damien blurted.

A few seconds later, he realised his mistake.

"Why is Jake in a cell?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"Because he tried to kiss you. It's okay, though, your uncle visits him so he's hardly lonely-"

I cut him off with a sharp glare. "And why wasn't I notified of this?"

"I didn't realise I had to run all my decisions by you first." Damien glowered.

"When they are made because of me, I would say you do." I replied.

"He'll be released soon. He needed to be taught a lesson, so he was. End of story." Damien bit back.

I sighed, too exhausted to argue. "Let's not argue. We're moving into the new pack house today- we should be celebrating!"

"Plus, you lost your virginity, so-"

"Alex." My voice was like a whip. "Let's not have this conversation."

"What conversation?"

Damn, that kid had to intrude on some suggestive conversations. Sammie was stood by the table, clutching the arm of his teddy bear. I glared at Alex, but he seemed oddly unaffected by my anger.

"Hey, kiddo!" Alex smiled. "We were just discussing the fact that Thea is no longer a-"

"A cabbage!" I supplied rather loudly. When I realised what I'd said, I fumbled for an explanation. "You see, I suffered an immense trauma when I was little. So I used to believe I was a cabbage. But I don't anymore!"

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