Chapter I ***

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A/N: Hey, people! Welcome to the first instalment of the Marked series. It would mean the world if you could vote, comment, and share this story to get it out there. I would like to dedicate this first chapter to calmwolf , who has always supported me through each writing block and has been by my side to offer a helping hand when needed. Thank you for everything <3.

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Chapter I Goals: 5 reads, 3 votes

The mist coiled around me, thick and suffocating.

Wrapping my shawl further around my body, I walked towards my front door. The frigid, cold air rattled in my lungs like a child's toy before blooming out of nostrils in plumes of white smoke, stark against the evening sky.

A scowl tugged at my lips. This was a British winter at its finest—cold enough to nurture sheets of black ice, but not quite cold enough to see snow fall from the blanket of white clouds that loomed above me. I huffed.

I rapped on the door once, twice, and then a third time—a signature knock my brother and I had created years prior. For a moment everything was silent, and I began to worry that he may have gone ice skating with our parents—however, a few moments later, the door swung open.

My brother's smiling face was the first thing I saw. "Hello, strange person. If you're here to sell me something, I'd wait until my sister gets home—she's in dire need of a life."

A typical greeting from James. Rolling my eyes, I stepped inside, unwrapping my scarf.

"I would say it's nice to see you, brother, but it's actually not." I smiled brightly at him. "How have you been without me? More lonely than usual? And there I was, thinking it was impossible."

His answering scowl was enough to make me laugh. The insults and witty remarks we exchanged were the premises of a strong friendship—the love we shared for each other was the foundation of an everlasting sibling bond. He used to crawl into my cot and snuggle under my tiny blanket, making sure I was safe. To say he was protective would be an understatement. He would ward off any boy who came too close, adamant that there was Mr. Right waiting for me. Personally, I thought his antics were ridiculous. I just accepted it as to not endanger our relationship. Boys didn't faze me anyway, with their bloated egos and heavy expectations. They could go fuck themselves. I didn't need a man to survive, I just needed food. And water. Obviously.

"Love you too, Thea." he said, grinning.

I blew a kiss at him and walked into my personal heaven—the kitchen. I'd suffered through a long and torturous day at school, and the only thing that could absolve me was food. Sugary, fatty food, most of which would almost definitely give me diabetes by the time I turned twenty.

I shrugged. Oh well. Four years until certain death.

"Uncle Tom send twinkies again!" James shouted from the living room. I could almost hear the smile in his voice. "Try not to eat them all!"

The box of fatty deliciousness was placed upon the kitchen counter. I grinned and ripped the flimsy packaging apart, licking my lips in anticipation. American food was, admittedly, rather fattening; however, the cacophony of piercing, overlapping tastes and textures were superior to that of cuisine offered elsewhere. Twinkies, of course, were no exception. I heard James' bare feet slap against the tiles as he entered the room, arms crossed.

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