| 8 | Hide the Affection

Start from the beginning

He pulls me along through the store until we get to a clothing section that's with our age group. I feel so weird right now. I feel so out of place. Like if Elmo were placed in a Star Wars movie. You get me?

"Ok, pick out what you want, and head to the dressing room. I want to see everything." he says with a playful grin. I have no idea how he finds these situations funny. It's like my discomfort is amusing to him.

I slowly walk into the section and look through the clothes. I doubt I'll find anything here. They don't have stuff for me. They always fit weird and look awful, but I guess it doesn't hurt to try. I sigh and pick out random stuff just to please him.

I now have an armful of clothes ready to try on. Tyler stands there smiling at me like an idiot. He looks like a child right now.

"Well, go try them on. The dressing rooms are right behind you." he says, and I walk back into the small area that has rooms trailing down a long hallway. I choose the last one and Tyler follows me and sits down on the light red chair in front of my dressing room. I silently curse myself for thinking he looks beautiful against the red. He clouds every thought that enters my mind no matter what it is.

I walk into the small room with a mirror that's just as tall as me. I cringe at my reflection. I hate mirrors.  They always show me exactly what I don't want to see.

Just try these ridiculous clothes on, and you'll be out of here.

I pick through the pile of clothes and grab the red dress. Too fancy for school, but why not try it on? I get out of my normal clothes and slip into the smooth silky clothing. The sleeves go down to my elbows and the cut is just above my knees.

I look in the mirror and gasp when I see how large they make my boobs look. No freaking way am I getting this. I feel like a hooker. A very exposed hooker. Well, definitely exposed for me. Let's remember that I'm the girl who wore short sleeves out in public for the first time in years last week. This is a milestone people.

"What's wrong? Can I see?" he asks, and I can hear the curiosity in his voice.

"Nothing. No, you can not see." I say as I struggle to find a way out of the dress.

"If you don't let me see, I'll break the door down. I'm serious Grace." he says, and I roll my eyes at him.

"Then you'll have to break it down." I say as I still struggle to figure a way out of this dress. It's one of those that you put on with ease, but it's nearly impossible to get off by yourself.

"You asked for it." I hear him mutter, and I spin around to face the door. I can see through the small crack that he's standing up and has his foot to the lock.

"Stop!! Ok, ok, I'll show you. Good Lord. Are you freaking insane, Tyler?" I yell at him as I open the door, and he stops dead in his tracks as he stares me up and down. I feel uncomfortable considering this dress clings to my body making me want to take it off immediately. I cross my arms and avoid looking at him directly. I suppose my face is now the color of this dress.

"You're getting that." he says quietly without taking his eyes off of me.

"No way in hell."

"If you put it back I'll just buy it anyway. You look pretty damn good in that thing, and I want to see you in it again and again.." he says as his voice trails off and his eyes graze my body in the dress.

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