Zayn moved from off the couch and onto the floor kneeling in front of me. He grabbed my hands in his and kissed them together. His thumb stroking my skin as he gave me a comfortable smile. I finally looked at Zayn and my heart skipped a million beats, his hazel eyes bore into my brown eyes, they looked so beautiful. "Baby you need to relax before everything that's going to happen this next week." He says softly.

I was so stressed out, like I really needed a break from all the planning but I couldn't only because I wanted my wedding day to be amazing. Even if I looked like a pumpkin. "I can't Zay-." I started but he instantly cut me off.

"Nope, my queen is going to go upstairs, get dressed in a cute but comfy outfit and go out with her friends for a spa day." Zayn said with a smile.

My eyes widen as he said the words 'spa day'. "Zayn, baby, you didn't have to do that, me and Zayden Xavier are fine." I said softly, even though I was lying. I just hated when Zayn spent his money on me after everything we've been through. I mean I just made him pay for a hotel for us, his family and my family. Well technically I gave him the money for my families room but he didn't care, even after I sent it to his bank account.

"Zayden Xavier Malik, I love that name." He smiled and pulled me into a passionate kiss. It was slow and his lips were soft. Felt like I was kissing cotton candy, he tasted so good. I'll never get used to kissing him, even after we're married. I'll feel like I'm falling in love with him all over again.

"Really? Because I was thinking Aidan or Kayden, but I just really wanted the 'Z' to be shared with my husband and his first born." I said as I ran my fingers over Zayn's hair and down to his sexy ass facial hair. Oh Jesus this man is a god. He's Hercules the sexy buff hero and I'm Meg the girl who thought she'll never fall in love with a twit like him.

He kissed my hand and gave a wide smile. "I love it! I wouldn't want to change it for the world." He said and leaned in again for another kiss, I instantly kiss back with a smile on my lips. My hands grabbing a hold of his face bringing it closer to mine if that's anymore possible.

"You make me so happy, everyday." I whispered kissing his nose as he scrunches it up in a cute way.

He was about to kiss me again when the doorbell rang. He sighed while I laughed. "Go get ready I'll let them in." He said pecking my lips as I went upstairs, as he opened the door.

I went upstairs and changed into some black tights and one of Zayn's white shirts. I put on my pink Fenty slippers from Rihanna's puma collection. Zayn had bought me two colors, the pink and the newest color, grey. I absolutely adore my new slippers. I grabbed my bag packing my phone, wallet, and keys. I tied my hair in a bun and made my way downstairs.

Zayn was waiting at the end of the stairs, with his hand stretched out for me to grab. He made me feel like I was in senior year again who was going to prom with the hottest guy in school. I grabbed his hand as he helped me down the last bit of stairs, even though I didn't need help. "You look amazing." He said placed a kiss on my cheek.

I playfully rolled my eyes as he over exaggerated like always. "You're an idiot." I blushes as he placed kisses on my cheek.

"But I'm your idiot." He said cheekily as I rested my hand on his cheek stroking his beard softly.

"Yes you are." I pecked his lips as he started into my eyes.

"Aww!!" The girls cooed, as they watched us be a lovey mushy couple. Demi, Ellie and Tay were ready to go as Zayn walked me over to Taylor's car.

Bestfriends {Zaylena} #Wattys2016Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora