"Oh," the one with curly hair said coming over to sit at the table, "so this is the famous Nicki. Nice to meet you, I'm Jay," he said grinning. I smiled at him.

"So this is the one Nathan's always talking about," the bald one said as him and the spiky haired one came to sit down. "I'm Max," he said as he took his seat.

"I'm Tom," the other one said. "It's nice to finally meet you," he said with a big smile.

"Nice to meet all of you too," I said with a smile as they all began to eat. "So, you're all friends of Nathan?"

"Yeah," Tom said, some food still in his mouth. He finished chewing and swallowed, "we've been mates for a while now," he looked around at the boys as if to confirm it. The others nodded satisfying Tom, so he went back to shoveling fork-loads of food in his mouth.

I was getting a little hungry watching them all stuff themselves, so I went and grabbed a piece of toast from a plate on the counter and sat down again.

After everyone was done eating, they cleared the table and put the left over food in the fridge.

"Do you want to see Nathan now?" Siva asked quietly coming over to me.

I gave a small nod.

I followed them down the hall and they all stopped at a room with the door open. Siva gestured for me to go in. I took a step in and my heart stopped.

There he was, laying in a bed, not much different from the one I woke up in. The sheets were white, just like the walls. But those weren't the only things I noticed in the room. Next to the bed were some monitors and machines. Getting closer, I could see wires connected to Nathan.

I felt a presence behind me, Siva. "We got the bullet out just in time. He had lost a lot of blood. I hope you don't mind that I changed you out of your other shirt, it was plastered with blood and would've dried to your back if I hadn't."

Thats why I was in Nathan's shirt. "It's okay Siva. Thank you." I walked over to the side of the bed.

"He is in a coma-like state," he paused. "We don't know if he will make it because he lost so much blood," he said barely above a whisper.

I nodded and looked over at Siva. I felt tears prick my eyes. He looked at me with a sad expression, came over to me and pulled me into a hug. I let my tears flow as I hid my face in his shirt. He rubbed my back with his hand.

Soon, I felt more arms around me. I lifted my head from Siva's now-wet shirt and looked around me. The other boys had come into the room from the hallway and joined the hug. Looking at their faces, I could see them all crying as well.

After standing there for a while, we broke the hug. "We'll leave you to be alone with him for a bit," Jay said.

I nodded, not looking at them as they left the room.

I looked at Nathan. He looked peaceful just laying there. I was happy to know that he was after the events that had happened yesterday.

I went and sat in the chair next to the bed. I took Nathan's hand in mine and felt his soft fingers. I looked at his face. His cute button nose sitting right underneath his eyes that I wish were open right now, so I could see their beautiful greenish-blue color. His long eyelashes resting on his cheeks. His soft brown hair that was flat against his forehead. I reached over and ran my fingers through his fringe .

I thought about all the memories we shared together. From the day we met till now. How he'd always been there for me when I needed him. How he was always someone I could go to no matter what. Every single memory played through my mind.

Every celebration and every heart break. The sad times, happy times, stressful times. Every day at school. The days of summer we shared. The summer he went away.

His birthday. Him protecting me from those men in the street. Our first day of high school and our last. Graduation. Living next to each other in our own flats in London. When he helped me move in. Our fights. My birthday.

Him rescuing me. Him taking a bullet for me. Carrying him to help, the feeling of his blood soaking my shirt. Watching him slowly slipping away from me.

Him saying, 'I love you'.

I thought about it all. And I realized two things.

That Nathan was definitely not a normal 18 year old.

And that, even though he wasn't, I was in love with him.

A/N - Hey everyone! I'm so sorry it took me like a month to get this chapter done. School stole my time and creativity. But it's done, and up now!

What do you think? Do you think Nathan will survive? What do you think of Nicki's realizations?

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