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(Nicki's POV)

I awoke in the same dark room. I sat up and breathed out a sigh to notice a piece of black cloth was tied around my head and tucked in my mouth. That wasn't there before. I groaned. I heard footsteps from behind the door. It creaked open and in walked the person in the black hoodie. I tried to ask them who they were but it came out as mumbles with the gag in my mouth. They walked over and stood in front of me, a few feet away. With the terrible lighting I couldn't see their face.

"How are you doing Nicki?" they asked. They know my name! Talk about creepy.

I tried to tell them that I was not ok and that I wanted to be released, but again it came out as just a bunch of muffled noise. They laughed.

Suddenly, I thought about what they said. That voice. I'm sure I've heard it before. I racked my brain trying to remember who that voice belonged to.

The person in the hoodie stepped closer, into the light. My eyes widened as they removed their hood from their head.


"Shane!" I exclaimed through the gag. He smirked, he must have seen the shock written all over my face.

"Yep, its me," he said extending his arms to both sides.

I tried to ask why, but of course the gag restricted him from understanding me. He came over and pulled it down so it hung around my neck.

"Shane!" I exclaimed for a second time. He just laughed. "What! Why? Why did you do this?" The other thought in my mind was 'how?'.

"Revenge," he said grinning at me.

"At who? For what?" I immediately asked. I guess he got tired of my questions because he pushed the gag back into my mouth.

"I will get Nathan back for what he did," he said giving me an evil glare. Then he left the room.

My mind was swimming with questions. What could Nathan have possibly done to him? But more importantly, what was he going to do with me?

Sitting in that quiet room all by myself gave me a lot of time to think. When did this thing occur that Shane wanted to get Nathan back for. Was it at school? Out of school? I'm sure he overheard my conversation with Nathan that one time we were working on the project. Was it because of what Nathan said about him? Or that we stopped talking after that. I wasn't sure. Maybe it was something else. Something from way back. Something that even I didn't know about.

All this thinking had me missing Nathan again. I let the tears fall again. It was very hard to cry with the gag in my mouth, but I managed.

The door opened and Shane came in again. He had food on a metal plate just like last night. I hated having my hands tied up at this moment because I was sure I had very tear stained cheeks. I turned my face from him so he couldn't see my tears. But that didn't work because he came up to me and lifted my head to face him.

"Aw, why are you crying love?" He asked stroking the side of my face. He took the gag out of my mouth.

"I just want to go home," I sobbed. He looked me in the eyes. It seemed like he actually cared.

"Why don't you eat, it'll take your mind off of it," he said putting the plate beside me.

"Because, how can I know it's not poisoned?" I asked him.

His face showed a small amount of hurt. "Because I made this for you," he said as he untied my hands. "I care too much about you to kill you," he said rubbing my wrists.

It felt good to be free from the harsh binding. I looked down at my hands in his then looked up at him. I looked over his face then at his eyes. I was lost in his soft brown eyes again. He leant in slowly.

I'll Be Your Hero (Nathan Sykes)Where stories live. Discover now