[Chapter 1] Vanished into Thin Air

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-Missing, Two YouTubers, Dan Howell and Phil Lester, police say, “It’s like they vanished into thin air!”-

It was a rainy September day. The CSI Office of Los Angeles was quiet, people were at work, finishing the final case of their day. The head coroner and forensic scientist, Kenya, was walking out of the examination room when she bumped into Rachael, the head detective and longtime best friend.

“Okay, you and your clumsy self need to watch it. This is the last of the paperwork for this case!” Kenya said to the curly-haired blonde.

Rachael sighed, “I’m sorry. I was just about to show this to Mr. Dawson,” She retorted, showing Kenya the newspaper clipping she found under the pile of papers in the file room, “The date says it was printed last week, so I don’t know why it wasn’t brought to attention and was buried under all of these papers.”

“Well, first let’s take this to my lab. So I can work and you can tell me more about this...this article you found.” Both women walk to the basement, where the coroners and forensic labs are located. “ Hey, Anthony,” Kenya asked her coworker, “...did you finish examining this last body?”

He looked up at me and then back at his tools, “Uh. Yeah. But I didn’t really find anything that stood out to me.”

With a disapproving look on her face, she heaved a sigh and said, “ You are truly dumb, anyone could see that she was pregnant. That was the whole reason why she came up missing and dead!”

Anthony rolled his eyes. He and Kenya were always arguing over things like this, “Whatever, Kenya. You know what? I’m going to go take my break, so have fun with her,” He retorted, storming out of the lab.

Rachael walked over to the desk and picked up his red leather jacket, “Hey, Anthony, you…” But before she could finish, Anthony was far away from the lab.

“Hey, you know what, Rach? She was actually living!” Kenya said in a sarcastic tone.

Rachael placed the jacket back down over the back of the office chair, “Well she was living, now she’s dead.”

Kenya gave her the same look she gave Anthony and laughed, followed by simply asking, “You want to know why she was living?”

Rachael sighed, “Why was she living, Kenya?”

Kenya smiled and stated, “ Do you remember in high school, in Biology? How we were told that we are not living unless we reproduce?” Her friend nodded while examining the papers she had in her hands, “Well,” Kenya continued, “This girl here was makin’ a baby!” She says in a cartoon character type voice, “Rach we haven’t lived yet, so let’s try it!”

Rachael’s eyes grew wide when she said that. Kenya scoffed in disappointment of her friend’s immaturity. That was when Rachael broke down laughing, “Wow, Kenya. You’re funny. I’m never living though. Because I’m never ‘reproducing’ unless Anthony comes up to me asks me personally to have his baby," She said jokingly, "So as of right now...”

Kenya now had a shocked look on her face and began pointing at what was behind Rachael.

Just then, Anthony tapped Rachael on the shoulder, “Hey, Rach? Want to have my baby?” He whispered loudly into her ear.

Rachael blushed a bright red, “W-w-what?” She stammered nervously. Whenever Anthony was around, she acted completely different. She would get really quiet and shy, compared to her usual loud, annoying self.

He laughed, “Just joking with you, Rach,” He said as he picked up his red leather jacket and walked out of the lab, patting Rachael on the shoulder. She stood as still as a stone until he walked out of the lab. And once he walked through the door, she loosened up and looked at her friend, flushed of color.

Kenya started laughing her ass off. As she continued to laugh, Rachael shot her a look of hatred and disgust that seemed catch Kenya’s eye, causing her to quiet her laugh attack. She cooled down and sighed, “God...seeing you get all like...that,” She motioned out the door, “Gets me every time.”

Rachael pouted, “I can’t help it. You know I like him,” She admitted sheepishly, crossing her arms over her chest as she averted her attention to her feet.

Kenya walked around the center table and up to her, patting her on the shoulder, “Oh my god, Rachael! We are not going through this again! He comes in, and you get all shy on everyone. Then, when he is gone, you pout. And then I have to play babysitter and help clean the boo boo!”

She smacked Kenya on the arm. Kenya shot her a look of shock. Rachael smirked, pleased with herself. “Anyways,” Rachael went onto saying, “I found this article, and it says that Dan Howell and Phil Lester, both YouTubers, went missing. The police say it was like they just vanished into the thin air, disappeared almost.”

Kenya looked at her friend in skepticism, “You’re kidding, right? First you smack me, then you want me to help you pick up another case? For all we know, this could be another publicity stunt for YouTubers!”

“I highly doubt that it’s just a stunt for YouTubers, Kenya,” The blonde detested, “I mean, look at what it says here!” She handed the article at her friend, “Read it.”

Kenya took the paper and began to read out loud, “‘The scene was as if it was never touched, everything was in its place.’” She shoved the paper back, “Yeah, so what?”

“So what? Kenya!” The detective argued, “If this was a stunt, they wouldn’t leave everything ‘untouched.’ So the only real question is, where would they go?”

“Well, that is exactly just what the YouTubers want...Wait what? They have to be somewhere!” The forensic scientist disputed, “Not unless they were sucked into a portal that transports them to some dimension of some sort!” Kenya replied in disbelief, but with a voice of curiosity.

Rachael and Kenya looked at each other for a moment in the silence, then laughed louder than two hyenas. After laughing for an immensely long amount of time, Kenya stopped and started to clean up, and began to change the subject.

In a mischievous voice, Kenya remarked, “Hey I am going out with a couple of friends for a drink you wanna come with?” Little did Rachael know that Kenya also invited Anthony and Joey. Joey was Rachael’s partner and who Kenya had conflicted feelings about. As Rachael began to ponder over whether she will come or not, Kenya finished shutting down, and grabbed her black and blue biker jacket.

Rachael, after taking a moment to prioritize, simply answered, “Yeah, sure. Why not? I’ve got nothing else to do. Where are we going?”

With the look of excitement on her crisp, light brown face, and her hair bouncing in the air, Kenya exclaims, “O.M.G, great. We are all meeting up at Stingers. We, of course, are taking a cab there together,” Kenya usually spoke so fast, no one could understand her. But her friend did, because she had the same problem, “So, Rachael, I am heading back to the condo. Are you coming, because I’ll wait for you if you want…”

Rachael quickly answers her, “No...no, you go ahead, I’ve got to talk to Shane about filing the case, and then I’ll be heading to the condo. Don’t wait up for me.” Before she let Kenya walk out of the threshold of the lab, she posed two other questions, “So, what am I supposed to wear? Something casual, something fancy…? And more importantly, where is paper work on this case,” She pointed to the colorless body on the table, “...so I can file them?”

Kenya points to her desks, and then says with a sly look upon her face, “Oh, and don’t worry about that. I have got that part covered!”

Without hesitation, Rachael nodded her head in understanding. Then, both friends said their goodbyes and went their separate ways.

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