"Huh what? You're fine!" I said, getting his hands off of my shoulders.

"Oh god, I'm so fucking sorry. I was just upset because of all the shit on twitter, and I didn't expect you to come behind me like that. I'm sorry!" I was now tightly in his arms, basically gasping for air.

"Let me down please." I choked. He set me down and looked at me, his expression looking as if he was a puppy and I kicked him.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you or eve-" I placed my hand on the back of his neck, bringing his face to mine.

"Shut up." I pressed my lips softly onto his, and I could feel his hot breath in my mouth as he sighed in relief. He's flipping out way to much. Anytime he does anything that he thinks will upset me, he's screaming that he's sorry.

"I'm sorry..." His words were soft as he barely pulled away, his forehead on mine.

"I told you to shut up." I quickly placed my lips into his once again, his hands moving our bodies until my back was pressed against the counter. The kiss deepened, his hands moving to my waist and lifting me to where I was sitting on the counter. I fisted his curls, his body moving in between my legs.

"It was an accident." He said, pausing between kisses.

"Calm down, it's okay." I reassured him. He smiled and kissed my nose, a giggle escaping my mouth. His hands rested on my thighs, my hands on his shoulders. "You overreact." I bit my bottom lip and watched as he puckered his bottom lip out.

"I saw that look on your face..." He paused and closed his eyes, his hands moving to be on the counter. "It's was full of being scared..." He opened his eyes to look at me, and I suddenly realized that he really was terrified I was going to leave him again.

"I was at first," I added, looking deeply into his eyes. "Cause I thought you really were mad... And going to take it out on me." I shook by the thought, the thought of an abusive relationship again.

"I would never." He stated, his eyes gazing into mine.

"I know, it was just so sudden... That's all." I smiled and softly brushed my thumb against his cheek. "Don't think that I'm going to leave you again unless you give me a reason to." He frowned and brushed his nose against mine, his lips softly pressing into my cheek.

"You know I love you right?" He questioned, a small smirk lingering on his lips.

"You tell me everyday." I looked at his chest, then back up to his eyes.

"I have to remind you." He softly kissed my nose and I giggled.

"What happened with twitter?" Although we were actually having a good conversation, I need to find out what made him so angry.

"They were saying that I was dating some other girl, and you were dating Liam." His voice deepened at that sentence, and I just rolled my eyes.

"Isn't Liam still with Dani?" I questioned. He nodded. I sighed and closed my eyes. "Do they do this to try to break us up?" He frowned, nodding his head.

"Sadly, yes." He went on. My eyebrows furrowed together, my teeth chewing on my bottom lip. I get tired of this, getting accused of so many things. I hear things like beard, fat, ugly, whore, slut, bitch, hoe, dumbass, user, fame seeker, and so much more. I get accused of cheating on my own boyfriend even with people I've never heard of before. I get told I'm set up by management, and only working to be Harry's girlfriend. That's not true, none of that's true and I wish it would just stop.

"Well," I groaned and wrapped my legs around his back, pulling him closer to my body. "At least we know it's all fake." He barely smiled, and I didn't know if he was still angry or if he was upset.

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