Are you okay love? asked Gerald, and gave her a soft kiss on the side of her ear.

Sarah felt ticklish and giggled.

She looked up to Gerald's face and gave her a quick kiss on his nose.

Yes, love..I am's a little chilly but you're keeping me warm- thank you. Sarah said.

Gerald pulled her and made her face him, looking at her lovingly and tracing the edge of her lips with his thumb.

Sarah automatically closed her eyes and a soft moan left her lips...

I love you Sarah...I hope you are happy tonight, Gerald whispered to her as he brought her closer to him, enveloping her in his arms.

He felt her smile. 

I love you,too Ge...just being with you makes me happy. Thank you, love. Sarah replied.

Gerald feels contented and happy, being with Sarah like this, hoping a moment like this will last forever..if only it could. He doesn't want to think of anything.

Right now, the most important thing is making sure Sarah fulfills all the things she wishes to do.  He wants to make her the happiest woman. Every second is precious for him. Every little moment counts.

He is still afraid but now more accepting. He is living one day at a time. Tomorrow or the next day is a different day. What matters is the moment he is sharing with Sarah.

Ge....if I am gone...promise me you will remain happy? Sarah asks.

What kind of request is this? Gerald thought. How can I be happy if you're gone Sarah? How can I live? he thought.

But instead of saying it out loud, Gerald nodded. Of course, I will remain happy. Because you are always with me, (pointing inside his heart) inside of me, Sarah.  he promises.

Sarah smiled, there was no trace of sadness in her eyes. She looks happy.

But she looks fragile,too.

Do you want to head back to the hotel after this? I know you still want to climb up the Eiffel tower and watch the city...but we can always do that tomorrow night or tomorrow morning.. Gerald asks, concerned that Sarah suddenly looks pale even under her makeup.

Sarah smiled and shook her head.

No, I am okay. I still want to go to the top of the Eiffel. And I want you to kiss me there, Ge. It has always been one of the things I want to do with you. she smiled with a hint of naughtiness. Sarah felt a little tired, and dizzy, but she didn't want to concern Gerald, they were having a nice night., she felt fine earlier, but now, she felt dizzy, she feels a little wobbly but thanks to Gerald whose hands are wrapped around her, givng her support and warmth. 

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