Chapter 16

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Oswald was furious, he couldn't get a hold of Penelope and he couldn't. She wasn't at home and she wasn't answering her cellphone, the ball was long over why was she not home. After a bit, the anger he felt slowly turned into fear, fear that something bad happened to her or worse he had lost his twins.


When I woke up my body was numb and the only thing I could see was a bright light shining on me. I looked around and saw the silhouette of a couple people. What was going on? I tried getting up only to feel someone carefully push me back down. "Miss, you lost a lot of blood you need to lay back down your babies are in stable condition if that's what you're worrying about." I completely ignored the doctor and tried to sit up again pulling a couple wires out of my arm. "Get the sedative, she's going to open the wound!" Wait what wound? What does that mean? I tried getting up a few more times before the world went dark.


"Mommy why do we have to live in this tiny house, I miss my big bedroom and my big window." I said pouting as Mommy put me down in the empty little house. "We have to live in this apartment for now because mommy doesn't have any money baby." I frowned and looked up at mommy and she smiled at me.

"Pen just think, we don't need to live in a big house because it's just the two of us. Me and you are going to share a room since you like to sleep with me anyway. The other room is for Maria to sleep in because she's going to be staying with us for a little bit." She kissed my forehead and walked over to the phono thingy and put a record on it. Loud swing music as mommy called it started playing and she danced over to me.

"Dance with me Penelope, I know how much you like this song." I smiled as she held my hands and we danced around the apartment all night, maybe living here wasn't going to be a bad idea after all.


I slowly opened my eyes and noticed I wasn't in the hospital room anymore but in a bedroom, I looked around and noticed two bassinets on the side of the bed. I tried getting up but I didn't get very far before I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen. If I can't sit up I'll just scoot over to my babies. I slowly made my way over to the bassinets and slowly sat up ignoring the searing pain. My two angels were all bundled up and sleeping they both looked so beautiful.

I reached over and picked up my little girl and held her close to my chest, I felt her move closer to me and I couldn't help but smile, she slightly opened her icy blue eye and I chuckled. "Hello my angel, you are so beautiful, you have your daddy's eyes, they're so blue. Eyes as blue as the the gem Lapis Lazuli. I like that name, Lazuli Thompkins hm maybe Zuli Thompkins. Yes that's perfect Zuli Thompkins-Cobblepot." I said kissing her tiny little face.

For a split second she smiled at me before closing her pretty eyes again. I placed her back in the bassinet before picking up my baby boy. He squirmed when I held him close, before smiling at me. "You little mamas boy, I can already see you're going to be just like Oswald. Hopefully not as crazy though." He kept on smiling at me and I kissed his forehead. "I don't even know what to name you baby boy, your so perfect and happy maybe something that means happy or joyful. Maybe Riley, Asher, Bryce, Bodie, Tanner, Levi, maybe Eli. Eli Thompkins, Levi Thompkins Levi and Zuli Thompkins." I carefully placed him in the bassinet with Zuli and they both smiled.

"I didn't expect you to be up already." I turned around and saw Maroni walking into the room. "They are absolutely gorgeous, good job they look like you. I'm just giving you a heads up princess, tomorrow we're moving you out of this room there's a few people that wants to see you. One of them is here to see you right now actually, she'll be in shortly." He walked out of the room and moments later Fish walked into the room. If I could get up I would have tackled her to the ground I was so happy to see she was alive.

"How are you doing sweetheart?" Her voice was music to my ears, oh how I missed the sound of her melodic voice. She was walked over to me and I pulled her into a tight embrace. "I've missed you so much, I'm so happy your alive. What happened? Where did you go?" I could feel hot tears running down my face. "I had to leave for awhile but I'm back that's all the matters, now before we go anywhere who are these beautiful babies." She said reaching over and picking Zuli up. "That's Zuli and the little boy is Levi, aren't they beautiful." She smile at Zuli and nodded.

"Zuli looks just like you when you were born, they both look just like you." Fish said. "Can you get me back home? I don't want to be locked up here anymore, Maroni already said he's going to kill me." She shook her head and gave Zuli to me before kissing my forehead. "He's not going to lay a finger on you with me there because if he does I'm going to blow his brains out. Once I've killed everyone that has ever wronged me I'm going to send you out of Gotham City, like I should've done a long time ago." I nodded placing Zuli back beside her brother and frowned.

That means she's going to kill Oswald, the man who sold her out a million time and would continue to sell her out. Here I am having to choose who I want to really be with. Fish has always been there for me since I can remember, everything she has done for me was to protect me. Oswald on the other hand used me, almost got me killed more than once, then found out I was pregnant and he completely changed and started taking care of me.

It seems the logical thing to do is pick Fish but it didn't feel right, even though she has done everything for me I didn't want my babies growing up without a father. Oswald may not be a noble peace prize winner but he wasn't all bad there was some good buried deep down inside and I couldn't see myself living without him. I can't believe I'm saying this but I love the crazy bastard and I'm not going to let Fish kill him.

"Penelope tomorrow we're going to move you, you should be able to move around better tomorrow that cut on your stomach isn't as bad as it feels I promise. To ensure that Maroni doesn't get his hands on you I'm taking over. Just be ready tomorrow morning because we're going to be moving quickly."  Fish said hugging me. She smiled before she walked out of the room.

I sighed and lifted the large shirt I was wearing and looked down at the large stitched up cut on my belly. Ok Pen, this is going to hurt but we have to get out of here now, it late and no one is going to be expecting you to go anywhere. I slowly got out of bed ignore the pain radiating through my body, I looked down at my twins and frowned. How am I going to carry both of them right now? I looked around the room and my eye stuck on the curtains, I can do a makeshift baby carrier with these.

I pulled down the curtains tying it around my waist causing a bit of pain to my cut and making two carriers. I placed the Zuli on my back and Levi on my chest and made sure they were secured before looking out the window. Just like in the movies I tied all the sheets together and tied it to the bed before opening the window and throwing it out. I slowly climbed out the window and made my way down the side of the large house.

When I made it to the ground my shirt was sticky with blood from me opening my wound. Sorry Royston I'm going to have to come back for you later, I need to get myself and the babies taken care of first. I darted out to the front of the house to see a couple parked cars in the open garage, like most rich guys they keep the keys on a hook here.

It took me awhile before I found the keys, I threw the rest out in the yard before getting in and speeding down the street. I have to get to the GCPD I know James can help me. When I finally arrived at the GCPD I had lost a bit of blood and I was starting to get light headed. I parked up and stumbled out of the car and walked into the GCPD. "Penelope, what happened?" I felt someone help me up and I looked up to see Jim and his partner. I pushed the twins in his arms before passing out.

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