Chapter 12

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Saturday morning, Oswald was gone and Leslie and I were making sure everything was in order with the house. My father would be here at noon and I was incredibly nervous. Oswald said he would be home around dinner thankfully so he wouldn't see my father. Victor made is morning security check and left before Leslie showed up thankfully. That would've been an awkward conversation.

I was racing around the house cleaning everything to make sure my house was in tip top shape plus the knots in my stomach weren't getting any better. "Hey are you alright Pen your looking a little pale?" Leslie walked over to me and my stomach did a backflip. I raced into the bathroom and threw up making me feel a million times better. "This pregnancy thing isn't as fun as people make it out to be." I said as she handed me a glass of what looked like ginger ale.

After I cleaned myself up and took a nice shower I headed downstairs and started cleaning again. There was a knock on the door and my heart stopped, he's here what am I supposed to do? Oh my gosh I'm going crazy I just need to calm down and answer the door. Leslie grabbed me and she opened the door and my heart stopped, the man from the photo stood in my doorway.

"Uncle David it's nice to see you its been a while." Leslie said pulling him into a hug. He hugged her back as his eyes connected with mine. Time seemed to stop for a moment, my father was here and he was happy to see me, all this time I was thinking he was going to hate me but his eyes were filled with joy and happiness. He smiled and walked up to me and pulled me into a tight embrace.

"You don't know how long I've been waiting to just hold you. Your mother tried to do what was best but keeping you away from me wasn't the answer." I wrapped my arms around him and started crying, so many emotions were running through my body and I didn't know what to do. "I'm so happy." I yelled as my father kissed the top of my head. Before I met this man, I didn't care about him at all and now that he was here I didn't know how I ever lived without him.

We talked about everything and anything I could think of, he told me how he met my mother, which wasn't as bad as I thought it would've been. They met at the diner she worked at and hit off, but when she got pregnant I guess she got scared and left. He was so nice and caring, he was everything I expected a father would be he made me feel safe and loved. Hours went by and before I new it, it was dinner time and I was hungry but then again I was always hungry.

"So when am I going to meet this young man you have been going on about?" I shrugged as he followed me into the kitchen. "He should actually be home soon I'm think I'm going to call him and see if he can bring some dinner. I never expected you to be here this long but I don't mind It's wonderful being having you here, your more than welcome to come by anytime." A couple minutes later I heard the the front door open.

It was like he knew what I was thinking, he walked into the kitchen with a couple to-go bags from an expensive restaurant. "Thank god you're here in starving." I said running over to him and taking the bags of delicious smelling food. "Oh, father this is Oswald the man I was telling you about and a soon to be father." My father stood up, and held his hand out to Oswald, they introduced themselves and I felt like I was on cloud nine. Everyone was getting along and I could tell Oswald already loved my father.

After spending sometime with Oswald father left and I exhausted and content. "So what do you think, isn't he wonderful?" Oswald shrugged and followed me upstairs to our room. "He's alright, anyways I'm going to have Butch come by tomorrow I have somethings I have to drop off at the house so. I'd prefer if you weren't home since I know you're not going to be happy I'm bringing things into the home. I will make sure everything is gone by the end of the day."

What the hell was he trying to smuggling into my home that I can't be at the house for? I had work anyway so I wouldn't be home but still I was kind of curious. I agreed with him anyways and headed into the bathroom I took a shower and pulled on my pjs and jumped into bed.


The next day the only thing that was on my mind was the shady business that was going down at my house. I've already moved twice and I really loved my home the last thing I wanted was to move again. Halfway through work my door flew open and once again Don Maroni stood in the doorway.

I sighed and slowly opened my drawer and pulled out my handgun and placed it on my lap. "How can I help you Mr. Maroni and don't ask me to join you again because I won't." I said frowning. "I'm not asking you to help me because I know that I'm not going to get it. I just happen to meet this wonderful gentleman the other day and he reminded me so much of you. What did he say his name was? That's right David Thompkins, all he spoke about was how much he couldn't wait to meet his long lost daughter. I just came by to see how you were doing and you look great so have a wonderful week." He smiled at me and walked out of the office.

I was beyond pissed, he's knows who my father is and now he's going to try and use him to get to me. I pulled out my phone and dialed Oswald's number but he didn't answer. I called him like 10 more times before I gave up and left work. I had to get to my father and tell him he wasn't safe, he said he's working at an office on the other side of town.

As much as I didn't want to be on the other side of town I sped there and found the little insurance office spotting my father through the glass. When I got closer I saw he speaking with Falcone and Victor. What the hell is going on here? I ran to the side of the building before any of them could see me, a couple minutes later the door opened and Falcone and Victor walked out of the office. "Let's just keep this between you and me alright old friend."

Well damn it looks like my father is more than cable of taking care of himself. I quickly walked by the office windows and saw it was full of people, I jumped in the car and left my head fall on the steering wheel. I guess it's time to start walking around with a gun again, now I know that my father might be working with Falcone or Maroni he might be working for both. I alway forget that I live in Gotham City, everything and everyone is so crooked in this horrid city. I couldn't even go home because Oswald was doing business in my house.

Wait he was doing business in my house, my house not his. Screw what he said I'm going home and whatever he's doing in my house has to go, I don't care what anyone says. I'm 14 weeks pregnant I shouldn't have to deal with this.

When I got to the house there were about 5 cars in the driveway and no where for me to park my car. Oh hell no, this shit is being nipped in the ass right now. I got out of the car and ran into the house, to see a bunch of men with guns and crates all over the place. One of the men saw me and ran around into the living room.

Oswald came waddling around the corner with a large smile on his face. "I want these people and all this shit out of my house now." I yelled before he could say anything. He tried pulling me upstairs but I fight him until I saw Victor walk over to us. "I know Falcone will get angry at me for this but we have business to finish." Before I could say anything the world went dark.


When I woke up it was night and my head was killing me, I think that bastard knocked me out. I slowly got out of bed and headed downstairs to see that everything was spotless, it was as if no one was in the house. Oswald walked out of the kitchen holding a large bowl of goulash. "I knew you would be hungry when you got up so I made "Mom' Famous Goulash. And if you don't want this I also made beef stroganoff your favorite, or at least the babies favorite." He's trying to win me over with food and unfortunately it was kind of working.

"I'm going to eat but don't think I'm not going to be mad at you. I don't want all those people in my house again, take them to an abandoned warehouse or something. If you want I can buy you one, I still have all of Fish Mooney's money." Oops I probably shouldn't have said that. I looked up at Oswald to see him grinning from ear to ear.

"That would be lovely, that way I'm not putting you in danger and I have a private place to do my business. I forgot that you were a little evil genius at times." I don't know what how that makes me evil but I'll let it slide. I quickly wrote him a large check and went back to enjoying my goulash, he muttered somethings to himself before kissing the top of my head and going upstairs. If only all my problems were that easy to get rid of, my life would be so much easier. Now I just have to figure out what my father is doing with Maroni and Falcone, so many secrets in this little city and I was going to find out all of them.

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