Chapter 2

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After Fish left I found myself pacing back and forth around the small apartment. Just who was this Oswald character? Why would he just snitch on Fish, he was going to get caught eventually. What does he gain by doing this? Maybe he had a death wish. I tried not to think about it too much but I couldn't help but think about Oswald and why he would do such a thing. I mean I had only spoken to the man once so maybe this was normal for me.

When I got to work Fish wasn't there, she was probably still pissed off about what happened. Tonight was my performance and I was anxious but I was ready. Me and another girl named Sylvia were performing, "Nowadays Hot Honey Rag" from the play Chicago one of Fish's favorites. Sylvia was the oldest dancer at the lovely age of 37, of course Fish only kept her around because she's good at what does and could pass for a 25 year old. While Sylvia and I were rehearsing Butch walked into the club without Fish which was strange considering they're always together. They were like two peas in a pod, always together no matter what.

"Where's Fish we open in less than an hour and I don't want her to miss my first and hopefully not my last performance." He smiled and ruffled my hair. "She'll be here in a few minutes she's just tying up a few loose ends. She wouldn't miss your performance for the world." He said looking over at the door.

She's tying up a few loose ends, more like cause a lot of pain that would potentially lead to killing whoever messed with her. Sylvia and I ran through the performance once more before the club opened, boy was it packed. Everyone came in with their 1920's costume, some already drunk and others ready to get drunk.

"Alright Pen, you ready to do this thing? You know if you don't mess up I'll ask Miss. Mooney to give you a permanent spot with us." Sylvia said fixing the large feathers on my head. "That would be awesome but I'm sure this is only a one time thing." I said as we got in position. The curtains would be opening in 5 minutes and everyone was making sure everything was where it was supposed to be.

"ALRIGHT EVERYONE PLACES THE CURTAINS OPEN IN 1 MINUTE!" The countdown began and the curtains opened and I could feel the full house. I sighed as Sylvia and I were introduced, time seemed to slow down and everything was quiet. This is it, there's no going back now it's time to show Fish that my place was on stage preforming.

(Lovely Video Above)

After the performance I could still feel my adrenaline pumping, everything was perfect I didn't mess up and I was a hundred percent sure Fish was impressed my our amazing performance. "Wow kid, that was outstanding. I didn't think you would do as well as you did. I'll definitely put in a good word with Miss. Mooney, I'd love to have you preform with the other girls." Sylvia said pulling me into a tight embrace.

I quickly changed and headed back out to the Club to see Fish waiting for me at the bar. "That was outstanding, that girl up there sure wasn't my little Penelope. I'll have to talk to Sylvia about having you perform more." Fish said as I made her a drink. "Thank you, I really enjoyed it, it was exhilarating and something different." She ran her finger around my cheek as if she was trying to comfort a crying child before taking her leave.

As the night progressed I received a million congratulations and I even got roses from one of the customers. I couldn't help but look down at the end of the bar expecting to see Oswald hanging out by himself. Fish probably already had him killed so it's not like there's anything I can do about it.

After my long shift I headed home to take a shower and get ready for my waitress job at the diner. I was completely exhausted but this is how I make a living, thank goodness I had the night off and could sleep when I got home. As I was getting dressed my phone started ringing. Who is calling me this early in the morning? As soon as I answered I immediately recognized the voice.

"Good morning Don Maroni how are you? I haven't heard from you in awhile." I said pulling on my shoes and grabbing my apron. "Yes well I was just calling to see if you might be able to help me out. I'm having a little issue with some of my boys and since your good at sniffing out liars I'd love for you to tell me who's telling the truth and who isn't." Of course, he only ever needs me when he's trying to kill someone. "I can meet you at the restaurant after work if that's fine with you" "Sounds like a plan princess." He hung up and I headed out to work.

Business was slow at the restaurant and I spent most of the time just waiting around for work. There were a few guys I noticed that work for Fish hanging around but I don't think they recognized me because they were to busy talking about they're awesome night with a couple of prostitutes. These men were despicable.

After work I made sure no one was following me and headed to Don Maroni's place, I usually just walked because it was easier for me to shake off anyone that would try to follow me home from his place. When I got to the restaurant is was empty except for Don Maroni and three men, the three men were a little roughed up but they didn't look to bad.

"Princess, how was work today?" Don Maroni said getting up and pulling me into a hug. "It was slow, so let's get down to business, what's going on?" I said looking over that the three men. "I need you to use you too use that Psychology degree of yours and figure who's lying. I don't know how you do it by just looking at them but hey, you're never been wrong." I nodded.

I carefully looked over each of the men, of course they were all terrified they messed with the boss, I noticed that the man on the left was just a little more nervous than the rest. He had sweat running down his face and he seemed to get even more nervous as I looked over him. "Unfortunately all your men are guilty of doing something but your man is on the left, the other two are hiding something though. They will squeal with a little sense knocked into them." Maroni looked over at the men and snapped, a couple over guys came and dragged them away as Maroni handed me a stack of cash. "Nice doing business with you princess." I took my leave and headed back home.

Sal Maroni and I became business partners after I found out that a few of his men were stealing money and drugs from him. It was completely by coincidence but ever since them he always comes to for for things like that. I sighed as I headed up the stairs to my apartment, before I could unlock the door a hand covered my mouth and a knife was pressed against my neck.

"Open the door, make any noises and I'll cut your throat." I slowly nodded doing exactly what my attacker said, and as soon as the door opened he pushed me in and closed the door. I turned around and when I saw my attacker my heart stopped. "Oswald Cobblepot, I thought you were dead why are you here, better yet how did you know where I lived?" I asked. He hobbled over to the sofa and took a seat as I frowned at him.

"Well, if you must know, I was never dead and there was no way I was leaving Gotham. I need a place to stay so I followed you here since, I just figured you would have some extra room. Your not going to tell Fish about me either because then she's going to know about you and Maroni or better yet Maroni is going to know about you and Fish." I felt all the color rush from my face. How did he know I was working with Maroni, that piece of shit.

"Let me show you to the spare room." He got up and followed me to the large spare room. "So tell me friend how is it you know Fish so well?" Of course this was going to come back up. He was a snitch, his goal was to get information out of people and report back.

"Well if it's that important to you she adopted me after my mother died." He nodded and walked into the room looking over everything. "Look I don't know who your working for or what your trying to pull here but why me? Why are you pulling me into your little game now?" He turned around and gave me a large smile. "Your going to be my secret weapon."


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