Chapter 13

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I have to say being pregnant is hard, I don't know how people do this more than once, at 24 weeks I was dying. I'm a pretty small person and carrying two babies at once was hard. My doctor told me I was gaining to much weight but I mean what did he expect I have three stomachs to feed.

Oswald hadn't really bother me much since I gave him money for a warehouse, Leslie and Jim were growing strong, and my father was a very shifty person. I asked Oswald to see if he could find out anything about my father and so far he was coming up empty.

Work was alright as well, we got a new director in he goes by Hugo Strange. I haven't meet him yet but a lot of changes were being made to the asylum and I wasn't sure how I felt about it. I made sure to keep Royston close because I noticed some of the inmates/patients were disappearing. The last thing I would want is for something bad to happen to Royston he was so sweet and crazy with his Shakespeare language.

"Hey, Royston how would you like to leave this horrible place?" I asked smiling at him. He walked over to me and joyfully recited some Shakespeare. Even through his poor little brain got scrambled he was learning, the only thing he was learning was Shakespeare but at least it was an improvement. Now it was a little easier to read his emotions, when he was excited his words were beautiful but when he was distressed or angry the things he said were horrible.

Oh I just got an idea Mr. Royston, maybe you can come stay with me until we groom you for the outside world. Inmates were disappearing anyways so what one more that no one really cares around wouldn't make a difference. I'll had Leslie look over him a million times he wasn't dangerous he just got annoying after awhile. "How would you like to come live with me?" Royston instantly perked up a walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Ok well if you give me a couple minutes I'll be right back I'm going to the basement. You know what you can just come with me." I said grabbing him and heading him downstairs.

Certain parts of the asylum were blocked off but I didn't need to go their I just needed to find all of your papers and burn all of them before we head out. Plus we can find some civilian clothes in one of these boxes. I quickly found a couple of Royston's papers and grabbed all of them and looked around some more. Royston was playing with some of the old costumes that we're used when we had our plays.

"Looks like the rest of your work is in the office, if there's anything you like just grab it now because you're not going go be able to get it again." He looked over me and rummaged through the box before pulling out a couple articles of clothing. One we were finished I left Royston in my room and grabbed all of his files and papers and burned every last one of them. By the time I was finished there was no records of Royston.

When I got back to my room I helped Royston put on one of the costume jackets and lead him into the hallway. All I have to do is find away to mess up the cameras and I'm good I brought him out to the back of the building and looked around. There are five cameras out here and a one way shot straight my to car, time to head to the control room.

"Royston I need you to listen to me very carefully, as soon as you hear the alarm I want you to run to that black car and ill be out a few minutes after ok." He nodded and walked over to the fence muttering Shakespeare. "Good if anyone comes out here you yell for me and I'll come and get you." I walked inside of the building straight to the security office, of course there were a few guys in there and that was perfect. Time for clumsy pregnant Penelope to mess everything up.

I entered the office and smiled at the security guards, one of them winked at me and i made a face at him. "Do you boys have any extra coffee it seems I've run out? I asked walking over to the full hot coffee pot. Before they could say anything I "tripped" spilling the hot coffee on one of the men. "Friggin A woman watch what the hell your doing?" I turned knocking over the guards cups all over the control for the asylum. I threw my hands in the air "tossing" the rest of the coffee on the other two guys.

"I am suck a klutz I'm so sorry oh no looks like the cameras and controls are messed up. All the door are opening." The ear piercing screech of the alarm started going off and I took my leave speed walking to the back of the building. When I got to the car I saw Royston peaking out from behind it. "Get in we're leaving before things get crazy."

I took off out of the parking lot and started mental screaming, I just broke someone out of an asylum and I could totally go to jail for it as well. But there's no proof that Royston was even at the asylum which is even better.

When I got home Royston jumped out of the car and ran to the front door. I'd never seen someone so happy to be in a house, maybe because he spent so much time in the asylum. Oh man I should have check to see why he was even admitted into the asylum. I let him in and he looked around before making himself comfortable In the living room.

While I was making something to eat every so often I would check on Royston who was fascinated with everything in the house. He was like a helpless like puppy and so sweet and adorable. I heard the front door open and Oswald entered the house with a large frown on his face.

"Penelope what's going on, who is this man?" I walked over to Royston and patted his head as he went back to watching the television. "This is my handy capable cousin Royston." I said give him a large fake smile. Oswald frowned and walked over to the two of us looking over Royston. Could Mr. Penguin be jealous?

"Anyway I found out something out about your father, he's not really who he says he is. It seems that Mr. David Thompkins is a close personal friend to both Maroni and Falcone. He's been working for the both of them for years mostly for Falcone than Maroni. Thats how he met your mother, she was asking Falcone for money." He explained as I dropped down on the couch.

Of course he was working for the both of them, that's probably where I got my awesome skills from. Well they were awesome until I met Oswald who has screwed me over a million times. "Did you find out anything else? He shook him head and sat down beside me. "How are you feeling? You're home really early." I shrugged and rubbed my swollen abdomen. "I'm ok but I think I might need a new job soon or maybe I should just take maternity leave early. These babies are killing my back, actually they're just killing me, everything hurts. I'm not having any more kids this is the first and last time you'll ever see me pregnant.

Oswald made a face at me and put his hand on my stomach, for some reason the babies loved their daddy. Whenever he was around or if he touched my stomach they would go crazy. I can already tell they're going to love the hell out of their crazy ass father. Great I'm going to be adding two more Oswald's in the world. It was times like these one that I wished Fish was here I missed seeing her and I missed hearing her voice. Maybe she's still alive somewhere, just waiting for the right time to make her return.

Gotham Princess (Completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें