Chapter 7

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When I arrived at the apartment it was really late and I was kind exhausted, the whole day was annoying and full of surprises. I couldn't wait to climb in bed and just relax.

Leslie lived in the same exact apartment complex, for like ever. I remember coming to visit her when I was a teenager and she was still living here. I finally arrived and before I could knock the door flew open and Leslie pulled me into a familiar embrace.

"It's so good to see you Penelope I've missed you so much, you look so beautiful and you cut your hair." I nodded hugging her again. "I know, we look more alike, since your hair is cut short as well. Now I don't mean to cut this awesome reunion short but I need a shower and sleep. The first thing I need to do is find a job in the morning." Leslie nodded and helped me pull my bags into the spare bedroom.

"Maybe you can come to work with me and see how you like it. I know you didn't get your degree just be a waitress your entire life." She has a point, I agreed to go with her and she hugged me once more before leaving me room. Home sweet home for the time being, I can't wait and see what Arkham City has in store for me.

The next morning Leslie and I were up early and heading to her job at the Asylum. I was kind of excited I mean I did have a degree in psychology this is the experience I've been waiting for. "Welcome to Arkham Asylum Pen, isn't she beautiful?" Leslie said as we pulled up to eerie looking asylum. "She's something I don't know about beautiful though." She laughed as we headed into the large building.

As soon as I walked in I felt like I was being arrested, I was ID'd, pat down, I had to have photo identification for entering the Asylum. Like damn they might as well give me handcuffs and a stripped suit to match.

Eventually the long identification process ended Leslie and I headed over to the women's ward. It was loud and most of the people were speaking gibberish. "Don't worry about them they're just trying to freak you out, most of the women are very cooperative. I'm going to introduce you to the head of the Asylum maybe we can get you a job here."

Just like Leslie said I met with the Gerry Lang, and he practically hired me on the spot. He was kind of an asshole but they needed help keeping some of the women under control so I was going to be their psychiatrist.

He gave me a run of the place and I was even given my own personal office, that would be visited by the criminally insane each and everyday but that's fine. Before I could settle in a few guards entered my room followed by one of the inmates. "Job starts now baby doll she's your first inmate." The guard said as they both exited the room.

"Hello, I'm Penelope Thompkins and you are?" The inmate smiled and looked up at me. "Your related to the doctor aren't you." I nodded and she burst out laughing. I can already tell I'm going to get a kick out of this job.

The day went by a little two quickly for my liking but hey there's always tomorrow. I met with Leslie in the clinic she was finishing up with one of the patients who had gotten into a fight and lost. "So how's the new job?" I shrugged as she sent the inmate away and started packing her things up. "You knew they were looking for work that's why you brought me here isn't it?" She chuckled and glanced over at me before going back to what she was doing.

"Work was interesting, I was spit on and completely disrespected but I think I'll get through to these people. After a few more sessions they'll warm up to me. Oh and the first inmate that I spoke with realized we're related, she's going to be a regular I know it." I explained. I think living with Leslie is going to be good for me. I'm getting away from all the negativity and it feels great. I don't have to worry about Maroni or Oswald, and Fish said she would call every once in awhile. Everything was perfect.


Time flies by when your having fun, I never realized how true that was until now. I had been living with Leslie for almost two weeks now and it felt like two days. I loved working at Arkham Asylum, the patients were really starting to warm up to me. Except for Ms. Sheila she just attempts to strangle me but we're making progress, I can say more than two words now without her getting upset.

I had just finished a session with one of my favorite patients, she was a sad soul that one. Killed her entire family because they didn't laugh at her joke, that's ridiculous but it's good she's getting the help she needs. My office was decorated with inspirational quotes and a few photos of my mother Mr. Lang didn't really care for very colorful things, that tool was annoying as hell but he was my boss.

I day went on and about halfway through it I started feeling a little sick, these patients were always getting sick because of the condition of the Asylum maybe it was starting to get to me now. I headed over to the clinic to see if there was anything I could take for my upset stomach. Leslie was there with one of the guards and an inmate that was just staring into space.

"What's going on?" I asked walking over to trio. The guard looked up and I immediately recognized me as the man from the GCPD. "Get demoted, why are you working as guard?" I asked crossing my arms. The former cop frowned at me. "Wait you two know each other?" Leslie asked as I shrugged. "I don't know him personally I've seem him a few times, since it looks like you're going to be around the names Penelope Thompkins." I said waving and headed over to the medicine closet.

"Lee do we have anything for upset stomachs that isn't going to like partially sedate me?" I asked looking over all the medicine. I have no clue how she keeps up with all these pills I would lose my mind if I did. "Well I wouldn't recommend anything in that room, don't drink anymore coffee make tea for now until we go home." Leslie's little helper nurse walked over to me and pulled me out of the room.

"Here I'll make some for you, my name is Dorothy it's nice to finally meet you." I gave her a small smile and followed her into the employee break room. This Dorothy gave me a strange vibe and I really didn't like it one bit. "Look Dorothy I think I'm just going to head home early but thank you for being nice." I quickly made it to my office and shut the door.

Something didn't feel right with that lady she just gave me the creeps like a couple of the patients that I speak with daily. I packed up my things and made up a crazy excuse as to why I had to leave before exiting the asylum. On my walk home I threw up twice and made a quick stop to the market for lots of tea. When I got to the apartment I completely forgotten about the tea and passed out in my room. I woke up to my phone ringing, it was that piece of shit Oswald. What the in hell did that bastard want, I told him I wanted nothing more to do with him.

I let the phone go to voicemail and not even five seconds later it started ringing again, I sighed and picked up the phone. "What do you want?" I yelled. "I just wanted to see how you were doing? Maroni and his men are running up and down Gotham looking for you. After the apartment burned down I thought that Maroni tried to kill you but he didn't he thinks you're trying to run so he's not very happy with you." Oswald said frantically. "Well I'm not trying to run anywhere, I'm safe and happy so don't worry about me. After this call I won't have this number anymore so bye." I hung up the phone and broke it in half before throwing one piece out of one window and the other out one on the other side of the apartment.

Don Maroni was looking for me and I haven't heard anything from Fish in awhile, I hope she's doing alright because I can't really go and visit her right now. People are looking for me, I'm going to have to lay low until I know when it's safe to walk around Gotham. I got up and headed out making sure my face was covered, I headed to a drug store and bought a bunch of different types of hair dye and quickly made my way back to the apartment. Ok Penelope you got this, we're just going to be changing your hair color, something you've never done before. It's like every other week is a new adventure, I should've just left and went to Paris when I had the chance.

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