I Got In!

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(in your room)
"Honey, honey, honey!!" You hear a voice form the distance yelling. The same thing that woke you up. You still were in bed and put the blanket over head, hoping it wasn't one of your sisters. Just as you thought you were going back to sleep, someone Bursts into your room. "Get out, Nikki, or Chichi. I told you not to wake me up!" You yell underneath the covers. "It's your mother." Your mom says. "Sorry mom." You apogize. "Whatever honey. Just listen." She says. "Listening." You replied. "You remember the video you sent to the people at the juillio company?" You mom says. "What about it?" You asked. "They accepted you. They said they loved your act and want you to work with them." She said. You got out of the sheets almost immediately when she said they accepted you. Your heart started to pump like crazy. You hot up and started to jump up and down. "Are you joking?" You asked. Your mom handed you the note:

Dear Mrs. (L/N),
You are proud to say that we have accepted you and want to work with you. We found your performance outstanding and want to see what the future holds for you. Please come to

3728 Rendal road.
We are waiting to see you.
Juillio company.

You started to scream "I MADE IT! I MADE IT!" Your mom's eyes started to fill with tears. "What's worng?" You asked her, and stopped jumping. "Oh, nothing, sweetie. I'm just extremely happy for you." She said, wiping her tears from her eyes. "Thanks mom. I couldn't have done it without you." You say, hugging her. "Oh! I almost forgot to tell Max! Let me just text him real quick." You say, letting go of your mom to grab hyou phone and open messages.
(M= Maxwell, Y=You)

M: What?
Y: Yo, you know I couldn't do it without you, right?
M: I know cause I believe in you. Now if you don't mind, I want to go back to sleep.
Y: Good night. But before you leave, you need to visit me this afternoon.
M: why?
Y: I'm leaving tomorrow moring.
M: K, remember, I'm gonna miss you.
Y: I'm gonna miss you too. Bye

You turn off your phone and walk downstaris. You see a cup of tea on the coffee table that you're mom had made for you. "Hey I gotta make something my baby girl likes. Right?" You mom say, flattering you. "Thanks mom." You say. "Just how you like it." She responded. You finished your tea and went back upstairs in a rush. "What's with the running? You know you're two sisters are still sleeping right?" She says. "Mom I have no time. I'm leaving tomorrow morning. So I have to pack NOW!" you tell your mom. You sent back to your room and brought out a suitcase. You thought to your slef 'ok, in LA, it is so GOD DAMN HOT THERE. so being the wise person I am, I'm gonna pack all the booty shorts I have. And I only have four. So I got that, now I need my crop tops. And I only have four too. God, I need to go shopping for clothes. But whatever, I just need my jeans, both blue and my lucky red flannel (markipler reference anyone? No? Fine, I'll just go die in a hole somewhere." I need my underwears and bras. Also my sweatpants and sweaters. because I'm that kind of person who wears black every season.' You got everything packed and you feel like you're ready to do whatever they throw at you, hopefully not a piano, literally. That would hurt. Well, overall everything is good and in shaped. Untill you hear a knocking on your door. You answer it and to see Maxwell, trying to hold back tears. "Max what's worng?" You asked him, then hug the slim teenager. You invited him in to sit and talk about what happened. "Well, I guess this is the last time we will see each other." He says. You wiped the tears falling from his check. "What do you mean?" You questioned the boy. "I mean I moving." He replied. "To..." he shrugged. "I don't know. My parents didn't tell me. I just wanted to see your dork face again. He says. You smile at him. "But hey look on the bright side, we can still talk via text and calls, right?" You say, trying to lighten the mood. "But say, lets go see a movie. What do you say?" You countiued. "Sure. What on your mind?" He says, wiping the rest of the tears. "I was thing The Barber Shop movie. But if you don't want to, we dont have to." You say, kepping your eyes in the ground. "Nah. I always wnated to see that movie." He say while lifting up you head. "Then let's go." You say.

-------time Skip brought to you by septiplier fanfiction------- (sorry for all the children out there)

"Nicki was very good in the movie. And plus, the whole movie was amazing!!" You say like you haven't watched the movie already, but you did. "I really enjoyed the movie. It's still sucks that we won't get to see each other after this. But I what you to know, I love you and care about you. So if you do something really bad and then end up in a hospital, call me immediately. Ok?" Max said. You didn't get what he said because you were staring into his nice, chocolate brown eyes and brought your face closer to his face and put your lips on his. He grabbed your waist to bring you closer to him. He kissed back, so passionate, but yet so hard. It still felt good. Then you broke the kiss. "Hey, I'm tired. And you're the only one who can drive." You said jocking like you were drunk. "Fine." He cried like you were 5 yrs old. You jumped inside that car and almost immediately went to sleep.

"She is so cute when she sleeps."

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