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Ilhoon didn't get to see the last message his friend send him because he got distracted by Sungjae who apparently knocked the jar of orange juice and it shattered on the floor. " omo!" Sungjae quickly extended his arm to pick up the shattered glass on the floor but Ilhoon shoved his hand away before he could even touch the broken pieces. 

" Aigo~ Sungjae! What's wrong with you? Don't pick up things like that you're gonna cut yourself!' ilhoon scolded Sungjae as he examined his fingers in case he might have cut himself. Luckily Sungjae didn't.

" S-sorry hyung." Sungjae said lowering his head making Ilhoon soften his eyes. 

" It's alright sungjae, just be careful next time I don't wanna have to babysit you because you are such a clutz." Ilhoon said not directly looking at sungjae who was nodding his head quietly to himself hearing every word his hyung told him. He feels embarrassed that he caused such a ruckus in a house that is not even his. Ilhoon quickly leaves Sungjae's room in search of a broom and a garbage scooper to pick up the shards while Sungjae remains seated in his bed wanting badly to help. But he'll wait for ilhoon to get here first.  While Ilhoon is gone, Sungjae looks around the room like if it's the most interesting thing he'd ever seen just to get himself not bored of things when his eyes landed on Ilhoon's phone which was tossed on the table as soon as Ilhoon noticed Sungjae reaching for the glass. ' I shouldn't ' thought Sungjae as he debated against his curiosity. Sungjae isn't like Minhyuk who get's curious over everything but when it comes to Ilhoon Sungjae can not help but want to find out more about his hyung even though it's not his thing to get curious or actually sticking his nose into Ilhoon's business. Luckily Ilhoon hurried inside the room with the broom and the scooper to quickly pick up the pieces before sungjae's curiosity gets the better of him. Sungjae sighs in relief before bending down and carefully helping ilhoon with the broken jar. 

" Thanks." They both said in union. Surprised at the sudden collaboration they both start to laugh as they continue picking up the mess. Ilhoon's laugh however ceases when he notices how close he is to Sungjae. Not body tight close but Sungjae's face was not too far away from him and he remembers his first kiss with sungjae and he starts to blush. Sungjae turns his head to face ilhoon, a smile still evident in his face. Now they were even closer. Sungjae and Ilhoon stare at each other deeply in the eyes not knowing what to say or do and not wanting to stop this moment. Sungjae and Ilhoon's heart beats through their chest almost at the same rhythm except Ilhoon's heart beated faster. Ilhoon gulps as his eyes roam down to Sungjae's lips and he slowly moves closer, afraid that Sungjae would reject him but also yearning for the touch of those hot sweet lips. When Ilhoon sees that Sungjae doesn't react at all he takes it as a sign to continue and get closer to the younger their lips almost touching. Closer and closer they got, Nothing was going to stop Ilhoon now.


" Ilhoon! dear! Have you seen my hair dye? I swear i haven't used it." Ilhoon's father enters Sungjae's room hoping that Sungjae might have an answer since his son will probably yell at him. For a mere second Mr.Jung could have swore he saw Ilhoon and Sungjae kissing but when he blinks and opens his old eyes again Sungjae and his son are separated staring blankly at a wall. Shaking it off thinking that his pervy mind was messing with him Mr.Jung carried on walking inside the room. 

" Have any of you sweet peas seen my hair dye?" Mr.jung asked and both of the boys shakes their heads a 'no' before Mr.Jung nods his head and leaves the room. Awkward and uncomfortable is what Sungjae and Ilhoon could describe this moment. They both sat there staring at the white walls of Sungjae's room with their minds blank and scared of earlier's events. They both wanted to leave each other's company and have time to themselves but they felt too uncomfortable to act upon it. Finally being able to realize that they couldn't just sit there all day, Ilhoon gulped and turned to face the still frozen  and emotionless Sungjae. "I-i have something to do." Ilhoon said getting up as fast as possible, cowardly running away from explaining anything to the still confused Sungjae and also forgetting about the broken jar that they were trying to clean up but before ilhoon could escape Sungjae grabbed Ilhoon from the wrist stopping him. 

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