Pajamas & Wine Pt.1

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Sungjae is laying down in bed comfortably, Baby-blue-with white-clouds-pajamas on, and a high black ponytail tied in the middle of his soft but hard head as he leaves the rest of his hair untied. He couldn't focus on the pen and paper before him because Jung Ilhoon is again crossing his mind as Sungjae struggles to get that smile out of his mind. ' Did  i make him smile?' Was the question Sungjae thought about as he couldn't find another reason for why Ilhoon was smiling at him. Then it hit him! ' What if Ilhoon finally opened up to me?' Sungjae thought as a certain idea was running around his head and he jumped off the bed too excited and sprinted upstairs to the second floor. He knocked on the older's door nervously but still happy with a non-stoppable smile  across his face.  Ilhoon finally opened the door to be surprised to see Sungjae. 

" W-what do you need?" Ilhoon stuttered a little and started hiding behind his door.

"Uh "-Sungjae was taken aback by the sudden question because he himself doesn't really know why he knocked on Ilhoon's door. All he thought about was being besides Ilhoon after he saw that beautiful smile. " Do you see me as a friend?" Sungjae asked suddenly, Hoping that Ilhoon would say yes. Because now he would have another friend, Plus since they live together under the same rooftop they won't have an uncomfortable atmosphere like before.  Ilhoon's cheeks stopped blushing and his little smile faded as he is now thinking about the relationship he wants to have with Sungjae. He doesn't know what to do with his feelings for Sungjae anymore. He can't seem to throw it inside the trash can but he also can't seem to want to accept it.

" Yeah i do." Ilhoon lied. Completely aware of his true feelings making Sungjae's smile spread even further in an attractive way. He is so happy and excited that he ran over to Ilhoon hugging him tight. Sungjae is enjoying the nice cuddle of friendship. How Ilhoon fit right in his arm and how warm and fluffy he felt. Meanwhile Ilhoon was slowly dying in Sungjae's arms. His face bright red and he can swear his heart is like a time bomb, Ticking and ticking until it burst. His mouth is hanging slightly agape as he couldn't comprehend the situation and he wanted to say something but not a drop of his voice escapes his mouth. By the time Ilhoon was going to try to hug the younger back, Sungjae already released his hyung from the hug and stared worriedly at the older. 

" Ilhoon hyung! you are red again! are you sick?" Sungjae who is oblivious of Ilhoon's feelings, asked concerned for the older. Ilhoon tries again to say something but is unable as his pulse is beating too hard and he didn't feel good but at the same time it was pleasing to get excited over Sungjae.

" Omo you're so cute!" Sungjae said as he now was feeling more comfortable with the older, But actually causing the older's knees to weaken. Ilhoon only stares at Sungjae in awe as he still wasn't able to comprehend what was going on and what Sungjae just claimed. And when he did his face once again started blushing furiously without being able to prevent  it.

Nothing was said nor done until Sungjae dismissed himself without really wanting to as he was very curious of Ilhoon's change of personality and wanted to see exactly how much Ilhoon has opened up to him, but he had to leave since he didn't have anything to do with Ilhoon at the moment and also it is 10pm and it was time to sleep since they had school tomorrow.

Sungjae found himself alone again in his room his homework still undone which was rare for him to do. He is thinking of something again but this time it wasn't Ilhoon, Now it is his best friend Minhyuk who has not come home yet. He wasn't at school today and he didn't call nor text and it worried Sungjae. The room was empty without Minhyuk being besides Sungjae and he thought that there was no other choice but to fall asleep. Until he heard a knock at his door and he opened his eyes half asleep. He lifted up his head to look around the room trying to see if what he heard wasn't false. When he didn't hear anything he put his head back down to the pillow to fall back asleep when he heard it again and this time he stood up from his bed and walked over to the door to open it and when he did he was face to face with Jung Ilhoon.

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