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Bang yongguk. My half- friend half-lover was holding my hand as he happily drags me to his car. He opens the door of his car to let me in and he runs to the other side of the car to let himself in on the driver's seat. "minhyuk honey~ Ilhoon and sungjae had their fun at the amusement park now it's our turn." Yongguk says as i chuckle happily. We drive up to the amusement park and we had fun on the first 5 rides we took together, It was a glorious time. That's what happened earlier. But now let us get off the 'Happy ever after' train and jump back up to reality whereas i am in another ride that lets me explore to be high up and look down at the world while being spinned around and practically almost faint. The ride has ended so it slowly brings me and the rest of the customers back down.

Yongguk needed to use the bathroom so i ended up taking the ride alone. It was exciting and terrifying for me to take this ride on my own but that's fine because i had fun. Letting the conductor remove my belt i jump off then and sprint towards where yongguk said he would wait for me but when i looked around he is nowhere to be seen. 'maybe he forgot which ride i was taking' I thought as a sat on the bench. People of all sorts kept passing by repeatedly like ants going to an ant hill. They are people so hyperactive that i can see them running around and talking so loud i can hear their conversations.

"Oh my god!!! That ride is so scary!!! I nearly died!!" I hear one girl say as her dark black hair flew in the air because of the massive wind that strikes everyone's faces. Which reminds me that this amusement park will be closed for good, after one more week until summer comes again.

After the hyperactive girl and her friends left, two guys followed behind them. One of the guys face looks green and purple and he looks really sick. He is moaning and crying without tears as he is clutching his belly with one arm and the other arm around the other boy's neck.

"i think i'm about to barf!!!" Cried the boy as he is being led to the bathroom by the other boy. 'Why didn't yongguk hyung use this bathroom instead!' I complained in my mind as i frowned more and felt abandon . The blue sky from earlier in the morning altered into a bright silver color which indicates it's about to rain soon. Geez why didn't i bring an umbrella or a jacket it cold!. We were such in a hurry we forgot to prepare if anything happens. It was when a cold shivery wind passed by me that i stood up to search for yongguk to the bathroom further away. MY face must have looked really serious and angry as i half walked and half stomped towards my way to give yongguk a bitch slap for leaving me alone!

'It's that i don't believe yongguk is still using the toilet after pretty much twenty minutes passed!' i though to myself again as i felt myself getting angry. There is this weird sound i kept hearing while i walked but couldn't make out what it was because of all the other noises surrounds me. The screaming, The cheering, the mechanical engine, the roaring, people talking, babies crying, water splashing, kids running, laughter, and other busy bodies. The sound was getting closer and closer as i walk closer and closer towards the bathroom. Now i make can make out the sound which sounded almost like a drum but harder, it sounded like smashing in a rhythm kind of way and it definitely sounded like thumping but scarier. There is one more corner that i need to turn before finally reaching the bathroom.

This area of the bathroom was quite secluded and the hard thumping sound came from the bathroom. I don't see how anyone would stay in this area when there's a scary sound coming from the bathroom but also i don't see how security is not checking the commotion. I didn't notice at first but when i looked closely at the bad-painted-navy blue-door i could see it shaking each time the thumping sound pounded making an eerie sound echo, indicating someone is trying to break the door. Thinking it was yongguk and his man strength trying to escape because he was trapped- i hurried over and pushed the door to the inside until it finally budge open revealing a guy with very pale skin and a black v-neck shirt exposing his smooth skin.

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