Chapter 16 (We're Here)

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Niall and I have been waiting I was finally eight months along. I was due March 22nd. Which was very weird because it was on Spirit's birthday.

I woke up. Niall was still sleeping so I got up and got ready. I sent him a text I went to the barn so he will get it when he wakes up.

I walked down the aisle of the barn both of my horses were sticking there heads out of the stalls.

“Morning” I said petting them

I gave them both a treat. Niall said I can't even take them out anymore. He's very over protective, which I understand but I miss my horses.

“Hey your getting huge” Derek said walking towards me

“How rude” I said petting Spirit

“I was just coming to ride these two” He points to the my horses

“Oh really” I ask


I get out of his way so he can get Spirit out. I stayed and watched Derek ride Spirit. It was so weird seeing someone else ride my horse. He told me stories about Georgia after she had Fox she had to have major surgery to live so she's unable to breed and they had to many lesson horses already to keep her.

“I was wondering how Fox was her's” I laugh

“Yeah it was a long story so I never told you” He says riding by

I said goodbye and drove home. The weather had changed from Sunny and 75 to chilly and thunder storms. I pull into the driveway and park. I try to get into the house before I get soaked.

“We lost power” Niall says as I walk in

“Great” I muttered slipping my boots off

Niall lite a few candles so we could see. I sat on the couch and watch it rain. Niall can and sat by me.

“This is the worst storm we've had” I say

“Spring is coming” Niall says


Niall placed his hand on my massive stomach.

“Don't” I scream with pain

“What?” He asks standing up looking at me

“Niall I think it's time” I say


Is all he manages to get out

“Babies!” I scream

“We don't have any power” He runs his hand through his hair

“Please” I scream

“Let's go to the car” He says

Niall helps me off of the couch and I slip on my shoes and manage to get into the car.

“Breathe” Niall says

“Niall I am breathing” I yell

“Calm down” he says putting his hand on my knee

I close my eyes waiting to get to the hospital. The rain is pouring on the wind shield sounding as if it was going to break any minute. Niall pulled to a stop and I opened my eyes.

Niall didn't say a word and walked to my side of the car and helped me out.

“I'm going to call everyone” Niall says

“On your cell” I ask

“Yes love” He says

He walks me into the hospital which does have power. Thank God.

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