Chapter 25 (Sunshine State)

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"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday day to you, Happy birthday to my beautiful wife Happy birthday to you!" Niall sings as he wakes me up

I rub my eyes and see him standing above me with a tiny cupcake with a candle.

"Awh! Thank you" I say

"Make a wish" he says

I close my eyes and make a wish before blowing out the candle.

"You're to sweet" I say

"It's red velvet" he says sitting by me

"My favorite!" I shriek

"What are we going to do today" Niall asks

"I don't know" I say as I pick a piece of the cupcake off and eat it

"Want some?" I ask

He nods and takes some of the cupcake.

"Well, get ready because I've actually got a surprise for you" Niall says

"Alright" I say finishing my cupcake

"Niall" I asked

"Yeah" he said fixing his hair in the mirror

"Why do you love me?" I asked sitting on the end of the bed watching him

He turned and sat back down with me. He put his hand on my thigh and looked me in the eyes.

"I love you because your funny, every time you smile it makes me smile, your beautiful inside and out. You have such a loving heart" he took a deep breathe

I glanced at the floor and back at him

"Even when we fight, I love the way you scream at me and the way you need me to comfort you when your down. And most of all I love you because you're you "he finished

Near tears, I gave him a huge hug. I know Niall loved me I just wanted to know the reasons. He truly is a special person and I loved him just as much as he loved me.

I walked into the bathroom and started to get ready, I showered, did my make up and finished getting ready. I just left my hair curly it wasn't worth fighting.

I changed into a pair of Miss Me Capris and a pink tank top I grabbed a pair of sunglasses and Niall and I walked to the lobby. I was super excited about what he had planned.

We got out of the van at the beach. I noticed it wasn't the same beach we went to before. I was sort of confused considering I didn't bring my swimsuit.

"Come on love" he says grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the van.

We walk a ways down the beach.

"Look" Niall says and points ahead

I look up from the sand and see two horses tied to a hitching post.

"We are riding on the beach!" I said almost jumping up and down

We walked over to the horses one was a shorter Bay Gelding and the other was a sorrel paint Gelding.

"I called ahead and told them I wanted the two best horses" Niall laughs petting the shorter gelding

"Did you ask there names" I asked

"This one is Splash" he said pointing to the paint

"And this is Freddy" Niall laughs

"Cute! I want Splash" I laugh

"Alright, alright" Niall says backing away and mounting Freddy

"Wait for me" I said untying Splash and mounting

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