Chapter 11 (All is Fair)

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I woke up from another bad dream.

“Ni” I said lightly shaking him

“Yeah love” He said half asleep

“I had a bad dream” I muttered

“Come here” He said sitting up

I moved over and leaned on him. He wrapped his arms around me.

“When do you have to go back” I asked

“Friday” He replied

“Two days” I asked

“Two days” he replied

I felt so comforted with him. I looked over at the clock.

“3:43 AM” I whispers

“Lay down love, you fine” He said

I swear he could read my mind.

I laid back down and he pulled me closer so I would feel more safe and I finally fell back asleep.

“Love time to get up”

I opened my eyes to Niall standing in front of me with his pajama pants on and his bed head.

I laughed at his hair.

“What are you laughing at” He said giving me the look.

I rubbed my eyes still laughing. I hid under the blanket.

“What are you doing?” He asked

“Sleeping” I whispered so he could barely here me

“What?” He asked and bent over so he could hear me

“Sleeping” I whispered

“Hey! You can't go back to bed” He laughed

“Please!” I said

“Nope!” He said pulling the blanket off of me

“Ni!” I screamed

“You need to get up” He smirked

“Ugh” I said getting up

“What's the rush” I asked

“Harry and I have a surprise for you and Meg!” He said with excitement.

“Well if that's the case I need to shower” I said walking to the bathroom

Niall tried to follow me

“Stay boy” I said turning around and shutting the door

“Awh come on” He said

“Nope!” I said turning on the water

“Why?” He asked

“Because you stole my blanket” I laughed

Niall finally let me alone and I took a shower and did my hair and makeup.

I noticed Niall had already picked a outfit for me. That's cute I thought. He picked a pair of Miss Me's my favorite pair with the studded crosses on the pockets and white stitching. Then a Pink top with lace in the back and short sleeves.

“We must be doing something nice” I thought

I finished getting dressed and met them downstairs.

A Directioner's Story We're BackOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz