Louis opened his mouth, as if he wanted to continue talking about it but he thankfully said nothing more about Harry. 

"Okay, fine. Let's go to class," he murmured, grabbing my arm and dragging me to class.


I hoped to go at least one day without seeing Harry at all but luck certainly wasn't on my side. The universe must hate me or something because right as I was leaving, there he was. He looked really damn pleased with himself, so in other words, nothing had changed.

For some unknown reason, he seemed so much better looking to me. Perhaps the reason was because I knew I couldn't go over and kiss him. People weren't lying when they said things were more desirable when you couldn't have them.

The only thing that was different now were the obvious red marks littered on his neck, the fucker didn't even bother to try and cover them. They obviously weren't left by me, so it was clear Harry had hooked up with someone else. It shouldn't have bothered me but it really did.

"I can't fucking believe you," I snapped, giving him a dirty look.

"Well, that's a first," he said, rolling his eyes.

"Are you seriously that much of a dick that you can't even go a day without hooking up with someone else?" I hissed.

"Why does it bother you? Are you jealous? Because remember, you broke up with me," he replied, the smirk on his face was getting even more annoying.

Unable to control myself, I reached up and slapped him, not even flinching at the loud noise it made. He was silent, his hand moving up to his face as he continued to give me that annoying smirk. 

"I'm not jealous. As you said, I broke up with you. That means I don't want you, nor care about you doing anything with anyone else," I responded, giving him a blank look. 

"Then why are you acting like this, sweetheart?" he questioned, causing me to clench my fists. He really was pushing it. 

"Because you're making our 'relationship' unrealistic. No one's going to believe anything about us if you go fuck the first person you see," I narrowed my eyes, becoming ever more frustrated. 

"We'll let you believe that for now, Niall. But we both know that you hope it's you next time," he smirked, not even fazed at my attempt of hurting him.

"The only thing I hope, is that you didn't pass whatever disease you carry onto that poor person you were with," I snapped, turning around.

Harry didn't reply, which either meant he was tired of arguing, or he was mad. I honestly didn't care. It was easy for me to walk away and forget every second Harry and I spent together, whether it be sexually or not. They didn't matter to me any longer.

Okay, so maybe I was lying. Maybe I liked Harry too much to forget him. I mean, I liked the nice side of Harry. Though the side of him that I had just seen simply reminded me that he was always going to be a prick, particularly to me. 

These feelings can't last, that was something I was sure of. I was willing to do pretty much anything in order to stop thinking of Harry in that way.

Harry couldn't mean anything to me any longer.


"So you don't like him anymore?" Louis asked, laying back on my bed and giving me a questioning look.

"Well when you say it like that, it sounds like a kid that's had a crush for a week," I defended.

"But do you still like him?" he pressed on, causing me to let out a loud groan.

"Honestly? Yes. I can't stop thinking about him and I fucking hate it," I sighed.

"Look, Ni, if I knew that this was going to happen, I wouldn't have forced you to get closer to him," Louis looked at me apologetically.

"For once, it isn't your fault. I was the one that asked him to fake date me, so it's technically my fault."

"Do you have any idea about what you're going to do?" he asked.

"Not a fucking clue," I breathed out, closing my eyes for a brief second. "I just wish I could do something to form an attraction to someone else. Someone that isn't a fucking dick."

"Real feelings don't exactly fade straight away. Give it time," he said reassuringly. 

"Of all people, it just had to be him," I groaned, burying my face in my hands. "I could have gotten feelings for anyone else but no, I just had to fall for some asshole that has to fuck anyone that asks him to." 

"Look, things will be okay eventually. If he's being a dick to intentionally offend you then he never deserved to have you in the first place," he told me, his voice oddly soft. There it was, my overprotective best friend. This was a side of Louis I rarely ever saw but there would always be times when Louis would try to fuss over my sadness. 

"I know. Honestly, Louis. I'll be okay. In a few days I'm going to have forgotten this had ever happened," I smiled halfheartedly. 

"I'm sure you will. Listen, I have to go now, I left my Chemistry homework to the last minute again. Are you sure you'll be okay on your own?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm just going to lay here and attempt to fix my confusing life," I shrugged.

"The best thing for you to do is to move on. If you and Harry were supposed to be together, it will happen but I don't think it's a good idea for you to cry over him," he sighed.

"I wasn't going to cry over him," I defended myself, blushing lightly.

"Don't lie to me," Louis smiled at me softly.

"You're an arse," I rolled my eyes.

"Love you, Niall," he grinned.

"I love you too, you piece of shit," I responded, smiling at him once more before he left the room. 


"Are you okay?" Jade asked me as we walked past the large houses in the neighbourhood.

"Fine. Just a little annoyed," I replied, Jade giving me a knowing look. I had of course filled her in on everything, seeing as I really didn't want her to bring up Harry and unintentionally trigger me into feeling upset again.

"It'll be alright," she assured me.

"I know," I sighed. Everyone kept telling me that. I just couldn't wait for it to actually be true because as things were right then, they were far from alright. 

"Oh, before I forget. I got this from Perrie," I passed her the piece of paper with Perrie's phone number.

"Do I have to contact her?" she asked me. If I knew her well enough, I could tell that she was incredibly nervous as she stared down at the folded sheet of paper in her hand. 

"Well, no. You don't have to do anything but I think you should. Just try and hang out with her. Trust me, it'll be a lot easier for you to sort out your feelings if you speak to her," I told her.

"I know, it's just-- I'm fucking scared. I've never...you know. Liked someone. Not in the way I feel now. And especially not another girl." 

"She's not going to judge. She seems pretty into you as well," I assured her. 

"I guess," she let out, offering me a grateful smile.

At least one of us might have a happy relationship.

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