Chapter 9

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I sat nervously as Harry tells me we need to talk. Biting my nails, I nod my head.

"Look Hayley,"

I cut him off. "If you're going to tell me you like me, I already know. Your friends were talking about it downstairs after I got out of the shower and I happened to be eavesdropping." I giggled. Harry sighed of relief.

"I-I'm sorry if I freaked you out or something.." He quietly says.

I lift his head up so he looked me in the eyes. "Well needless to say I really like you too."

"Really?" Harry excitedly says like a little girl.

I nod, and he gives me a tight hug.

"So, Hayley?" He asks.

"Yeah?" I say nervously.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

My jaw drops, my heart stops well not literally but WHAT! Did Harry Styles seriously ask me out? My dream came true! Oh my gosh we are going to make such beautiful babies and get married and live in a mansion and live happily ever after! Okay Hayley, calm down. It's just a question. Well not just a question but Harry Styles! Harry Freakin' Styles!

"Hayley?" Harry says, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yes!" I cried, I gave him a huge hug and he kisses me on the forehead causing sparks to fly.

"You just made me the happiest 16 year old boy alive."


It was then getting dark and almost time for bed. The lads and I were watching Law & Order reruns. I'm surprised the boys actually enjoyed the show as much as I do.

After the show was over I turned off the tv.

I put my hands on my hips. "When do you think we should leave?" I ask.

"I kind of like it here actually. There's real food, tv, a house wife." Niall says, pointing to me. I slap him on the hand and he mumbles 'what the fuck'

"I'm thinking about leaving in 2 days or so, after lunch of course." I pointed out.

"Well we are going to need some clothes, I don't think I can last another day with the filthy ones I have now!" Louis complained, the boys nodded in agreement.

"Go shower, I'm sure there is some clothes you boys could fit in." I say.

"Well if y'all don't mind I'd like to go to sleep now." Zayn says.

"Goodnight Zayn." We all say in an irritated tone. We head upstairs, turning the dining room light off behind us.

I got into my room and took off my clothes and put on my pajamas and looked through the bookshelf where I've just now noticed was there. I pick up a book and sat on the bed and started reading Harry Potter and the Sorceress Stone.

Harry walks in with a toothbrush hanging from his mouth and rinses off in the bathroom. He walks to the bed and lies on his side facing me.

"Hayley?" He says, I look at him as if I was going to say 'what'

"What happens if we get to Alaska and it's already gone?" He asks worriedly. I shrug my shoulders because honestly I don't really know either.

"Well goodnight love." He kisses me on the cheek and rests his arm on my leg.

Added getting to chapter 12 on the book I closed the book and set it on the table by my bedside. I unravel the blankets and get under the covers. I close my eyes, falling into a deep sleep 3 minutes later.


Am I doing okay? Please comment some feed back it really encourages me to keep going! It would mean a lot to me.

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