Chapter 7

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Harry's P.O.V.

"Umm... Guys.." Liam says. I walk to the living room with Hayley and look at the tv. My eyes grew wide at the sight of New York City, covered with infected pedestrians. There was, you could say, about a thousand zombies on the streets near the shelter that we were supposed to go to. I look at Hayley and she looks like she's about to cry. I wrap my arms around her to comfort her as tears begin to form on her face.

"Shhh love it's okay I'm sure your parents are somewhere else." I comforted her. "They work for the government right?"

She nods. "Have you ever tried calling them?" I ask.

She shakes her head and I hand her my phone to call her parents. She dials the number and puts the phone to her ear.

Her face lights up as I could tell someone answered on the other line.


"I'm good I'm with One Direction!" Tears begun to fall down her face again.

"No, no I'm serious! Where are you?"


"I'll find a way I guess.. Bye I love you."

She hangs up the phone with a worried expression on her face.

"What happened?" I ask.

"Survivors were transferred to Alaska. They knew that it would hit New York. The infections spreading mad." She looks down.

"So how are you going to get to bloody Alaska in just a van? It will take like 3 days or more!" Liam protested.

"That's something we should discuss over dinner, which I have yet cooked." She grinned and headed to the kitchen.

After the food was ready me and the boys skipped like a little girl to the dining room. Hayley comes out with a pan and sets it in the middle and we each grab a plate.

"I was thinking, we're going to be taking stops in different states to stay. For now let's just settle down here for a few days and maybe catch up, get to know each other since we haven't really had the time to do so, right?" Hayley suggested. We all nod in agreement.

"So what states are we going to be taking rests in?" Zayn asks.

"Well," she says, swallowing the food in her mouth before continuing. "We're in New York now, we can stop in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. Which is 6 hours away and will take half of the day to get there." She explains.

"How exactly do you know all this geographic stuff?" Niall questions Hayley.

"I was a straight A student and my favorite subject was Geography." She smiles. She's so damn cute.

"What?" Niall says, looking at me. I realized I said that out loud. My cheeks turned red and I hid my face in my hands.

"Nothing." I muttered. Niall shrugged his shoulders and continued to eat.

After dinner I decided to help Hayley with the dishes. She smiled and laughed at how I tried to attempt to watch them. I was a spoiled little boy so I didn't have to do chores or anything.

"Here," she says, taking my hand and putting it on the dish. "You take your rag and rub it in circles until the food comes off then you rinse it under the water." She smiles. "Have you ever washed dishes in your life Harry?

I shook my head no in shame.

"Well now you do." She chuckled.

We finish the dishes and watched some TV before heading upstairs since Zayn was tired. I walked in the bedroom and take off my blazer and t-shirt. I slipped off my pants, leaving me to my boxers. Hayley looks at me, her eyes wide, then quickly looks away.

"What the hell are you doing!" She shouts.

"It's how I sleep babe. Get used to it." I winked. She rolled her eyes and lied down on her side of the bed, me doing the same.

"Goodnight Harry."

"Goodnight love." I kiss her on the cheek causing her to jump. Surprisingly she didn't pull back.

I lay there for a good 10 minutes before eventually falling asleep.


Soooo 5+ votes for the next chapter yay!!!

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