"You used to ride??" 

"Yeah, I stopped riding about four years ago. He loosened the harness on my bull and I took a pretty bad fall. I was out for a few months and decided to give up bull riding."

"Why didn't you ever tell me." 

"Because that part of me was something I didn't want to go back to. Bull riding was my life, and it was also the one thing that brought my parents together. I don't think I could go back."

"Do you want to?" I said, wrapping my hand around his arm and snuggling into him. 

"I'd like to, for sport. But I'd have to give up football and basketball. I just don't think it's worth it." 

"Well, whatever you choose to do with your life, I'll be here." I said and he turned to look me in my eyes smiling. I could tell he was pleased with that response. He leaned down and kissed my forehead and we watched the next rider try and take the 8 on the next bull. 

We had been there for probably an hour and the show was just about over when Jake got a call from Parker. We both walked out behind the stadium to see what was up. 

"Hey, Parker! How's A?"

"She's really good. They found out that she was going in to labor and her water broke as soon as we walked into the doors of the hospital." 

"Wait, are you serious?" Jake said, then put the phone on speaker so I could hear. 

"Yep. She said she wants JJ here, if you guys can make it. She isn't dilated enough yet, so you guys could hurry and still make it." 

"Absolutely!" I said excited. "We'll hurry!" 

"I can't believe it." Parker let out a deep breath. "I'm going to have a baby tonight." 

"Well believe it brother. We're so happy for you two." Jake said. "We're gonna go, we'll be there in a half an hour." 

"Alright guys, thanks. We'll see you when you get here." 

Jake looked at me after hanging up, "You want to stay and watch the rest of the rodeo, or should we go now?"

I looked at him like he was stupid, "Are you serious?"

He smirked, "Just testing." He grabbed my hand and we started running towards the truck. "Let's go." 

He held my hand the entire way there and we found a parking spot right near the front entrance to the hospital that Ariel was at. 

We hurried to check in and they sent us to her room. She was hooked up to machines and had a band around her stomach that read the baby's heart beat and her contractions. 

When I walked in, I hurried over to Ariel and gave her a hug. "Hey mama-to-be." 

"Jay, I'm so glad you're here!" She was already sweating and looked extremely uncomfortable. 

"I'm glad I'm here too." She shifted on the bed, "How far along are you dilated?"

She let out and exhausted sigh, "Only four centimeters. I feel like I'm going to be here all night. These contractions are only four minutes apart and I am getting to the point where I'm reconsidering the epidural." She had sweat beating down her face and looked in extreme pain. Her hair was down and in her face. 

"Here, let me put your hair up for you." I got a chair and stood on it to put her hair up in a bun. "There now you look super cute and are ready to bring this baby into the world."

"Will you put some mascara on me?"

I couldn't help but laugh, "Are you being serious?" I could see the sincerity in her face and pulled out a tube of mascara from my bag. 

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