11 - Fireworks

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Sebastian Peters:

I smile at Aria, as she tucks a strand of her brown hair behind her ear. I watch her bright blue eyes light up as the fireworks begin to start.

Her black jumper falls just above her mid thigh, the end of it ruffling in the wind.

I frown when Lucas wraps an arm around her. "Watch, these ones are the brightest." He smiles.

She nuzzles her head into his shoulder, watching the fireworks carefully. I notice a girl run from the lit firework, and we all watch carefully as it lifts into the air.

An explosion of beautiful colours appear in the night sky. I smile widely. Shane and Maya are now close, I can tell he wants to make a move.

He gives me a look, as if he is searching for help. I simply nod and wink, giving him some sort of signal.

He reaches for her hand and their fingers link together. He gives me a smile and continues to watch the beautiful light show.

We are all cozy on the large blanket, chips, Coke, and other snacks surrounding us.

Aria glances over at me. She shifts closer to my direction, leaving Lucas, Maya and Shane in deep conversation.

"They're beautiful, aren't they," She smiles happily, her gaze fixated on the sky. I notice a sparkle in her eyes every time the next firework is lit.

"Yeah.. my dad used to take Sara and I here all the time." I smile remembering the great times we used to have. It was all so perfect back then.

"Me too, it was my favourite time of year. Now, it gets boring after a while.." She sighs, gazing into my eyes. I watch carefully as a burst of blue lights explode in front of my eyes. Wow.



"You never speak about your mom, why is that?" She says, curiosity in her eyes. I feel the lump in my throat rising.

I never speak about my mom. It hurts. It hurts to remember all of the amazing memories..then know they all disappeared the night of the accident. She was my best friend. It sounds ridiculous, but she was. She put the world in my hands, and taught me everything I know now.

She was my role model. Then she was killed by some drunk idiot..he took my mothers life away.

My eyes sting with tears. I try my best to force them back. Aria gives me a worried look, she can tell I look uneasy.

"My mom..she passed three years ago at the beginning of grade eight." I say, practically in a whisper.

No one seems to be paying attention to us and I am extremely thankful for that.

She puts her thin hands to her mouth. Her eyes are filled with concern and sadness. "Seb, I..I'm so sorry." She says quietly.

Her expression breaks me even more. Hold it together, Sebastian.

"It's okay..you didn't know." I say softly. Before I can stop her, two thin arms wrap around my body. I suck in a breath, wrapping mine around her waist.

Saving SebastianTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon