06 - Surprises?

144 20 1

Aria Watson:

What seemed like hours, was only minutes. Sebastian slowly made his way back to our seat.

"How did we do?" I shriek. He rolls his eyes and slumps in his chair.

"Seb?!" I slap his muscular arm. He runs a hand through his light brown hair. "Don't call me that." He crosses his arms over his chest.

"I'll call you whatever I want! Now can you please answer my question." I smack the desk out of frustration.

   "We got a ninety-one." He smiles slightly. A rush of relief takes over my body.

   "Thank the lord! I really thought we did terrible. Well, I thought you did terrible." I smirk.

   He rolls his eyes once again. "Shut up." My eyes fixate on his hazel ones. The lump in his throat moves up and down as he swallows.

   "Why are you so jittery?" He glares at me,

   "Why are you such a sour puss?" I stick out my tongue. He ignores my question and slips in his black earbuds. He slowly bobs his head to the music, completely blocking the world out.

I sigh and slouch in my chair. Only a few more minutes, and the period will be over. All I'm looking forward to is getting on that field. Tonight is our second game.

I glance at Sebastian to see that his eyes are fixated on mine. Our gazes lock causing the ghost of a smile to appear on his pink lips.

"What are you doing tonight?" I ask.

He shakes his head. "Nothing, and I don't plan on doing anything,"

"Come to my game, it'll be fun." I smile. He shakes his head once again.

"Aria, we're not friends. You're my lab partner, and that is it. Stop trying to get through to me." He rolls his eyes and continues to doodle on a scrap piece of paper.

My expression immediately turns rock solid. "I was just trying.." I close my mouth and decide to stay quiet. Sebastian is right. We're lab partners, that's it. Why did I even invite him to

What a stupid idea..I think.

The loud sound of the bell pulls me out of my reverie. I take a deep breath in and hold my books tight to my chest. Sebastian does not say another word to me once we leave the classroom.

I watch as he walks quickly through the halls and stops at his locker. I spin around and continue walking to my next class.


"Pass!" Julia yells. I make a sharp pass to Julia. I watch as the ball slides in front of her cleats.

She dribbles it carefully, in attempt to make it through the other players. She makes a pass to one of our rookies, however the ball glides a little to far in front of her.

The rookie practically dives for the ball, sending it right to me. The whistle is going to blow any minute. I run forward and put all my might into this last kick.

I take a deep breath and thrust my leg forward. The soccer ball raises off of the ground and just as the ref can blow the whistle, it makes it into the net. The team runs together.

Saving SebastianNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ