Chapter Thirty

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Two years after separation

The wedding ceremony of Rapunzel and her betrothed Eugene, was joyous. Ruined only by the news that the King and Queen of Arendelle had perished.

The royal family were in tears from the start; though whether they were tears of grief or tears of happiness, they'd never tell.

Rapunzel had retired to her chambers to change from her wedding dress; the train and skirts was simply too long to be sensible wearing for any longer.

Rapunzel was brushing her hair, smiling ruefully at its darker colour and minuscule length in comparison to her hair from before, when the balcony windows burst open and a chilly breeze rose goosebumps on Rapunzel's arms.

Familiar whispers followed it.

Rapunzel stepped out into the balcony, shivering slightly, and searched the skies. She found what she was looking for, balancing on a sturdy branch of a tree that was almost taller than the castle.

Rapunzel waved at her old friends, who unlike her hadn't aged a day. It had been two years since their battle against Father Time; and a lot had happened since then. She'd lost her magical abilities, she'd even found love -and in the strangest place, too. A thief who'd, in trying to steal her crown, had instead stolen her heart.

They were looking the happiest they'd ever been as they waved. Elsa, who had once shied from others touch, leant into Jack's embrace, not even for one second breaking or losing contact with the other. They were one and the same; the perfect pair. Elsa was Jack's anchor to the ground, and he was her wings to the clouds.

She opened her mouth to address them only to be interrupted as Eugene knocked and entered, staring at her entranced and eyes full of adoration. And she looked back at him in the very same way.

" The party's downstairs blondie, what are you still doing up here?" He asked as he stepped out into the balcony. Despite the change of colour, Eugene had yet to grow out of calling her blondie. Rapunzel wondered if he ever would; not that she really minded.

It was an inside story, and very few people would ever understand why he called her blondie if her hair was so obviously brown.

Eugene yelped at the drop in temperature. " It's freezing! Rapunzel, are you chasing the stars again?"

" These aren't stars Eugene. Besides, I may as well follow them." Rapunzel answered, turning to lean into the chest of her husband with a smile.

And when she turned back around to see her friends, who had taken to the air, their forms suspended by the wind, they waved one last time.

Then they disappeared, and after they were gone Rapunzel let Eugene lead her down to the ballroom; where they danced the rest of the night as husband and wife.

Three years after separation

Merida watched as Astrid and Hiccup's dragons settled back on the ground, their faces bright and laughter carefree. 

The two jumped down from their scaled companions. Hiccup wrapped an arm around Astrid's waist, and she linked an arm across his shoulders.

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