Chapter 14 - Regrets

Start from the beginning

Arelie's face was grim. "Don't try that on me. I realised what you are months ago. You managed to wriggle your way out of every trap I set though; the cliffs, the fireworks, even the school."

Leah ignored the stab of anger that rolled through her.

"And you think I can't get out of this one?" Leah asked.

Arelie grinned. "I underestimated you before, I'm not going to do it again."

Leah laughed and she saw something falter in Arelie's eyes, something crack with nerves.

"You already have."

Leah launched herself in the air, flipping backwards over Mark's head, just as Arelie pulled the trigger.

Mark screamed, the bullet embedding in his shoulder as Leah landed behind him. She grabbed his neck, pulling him against her and twisting the gun out of his grip. It clattered to the pavement just as a car screeched around the corner.

Arelie was backing towards the vehicle, pointing at Leah and yelling.

Leah swore and dropped Mark, sprinting off, zig-zagging as shots kissed her heels. She hurtled down the sidewalk, taking the turn onto the next road at breakneck speed. The car was accelerating behind her, quickly gaining ground.

Leah veered off the open road and launched over a garden fence. The car screeched to a stop on the other side as she sprinted past a surprised gardener. By the time doors opened and yells from the driver could be heard she was over the next fence, ducking down.

Leah pushed open a gate that led to the adjacent street and emerged with a puff of dirt, grinning around at the empty street. Not far now.

She sprinted forward again, adrenaline kicking in and pushing her to exhilarating speeds. She never allowed herself to run like this. Her confidence faltered as a van passed the t-intersection before her and stopped. It backed up and turned to come towards her. Leah skidded to a halt and aimed for another fence. She flew over it, racing through the backyards and over the other side.

Jared's car was at the other end of the road, facing her. She felt a jolt of relief as she saw his distorted figure lounging in the driver's seat.

"Jared!" Leah screamed, bolting towards him.

He glanced up just as a car flew around the corner behind her. She looked back, whipping her hair into a whirlwind. The first car was on her tail, the van close behind.

Leah turned forward, willing herself to greater speeds. Jared's engine revved to life and his car spun around to face the direction she was running. His hand moved out the window, a familiar black object held in his grasp.

Leah heard the bullet hit one of her pursuers' tyres. It sounded like an explosion. She held back a scream as the now uncontrollable vehicle started to skid across the road towards her. She mustered one final burst of speed as Jared kicked the passenger door open and flung herself inside.

The moment her feet were off the ground, Jared hit the accelerator and they screeched forward. She hurried to close the door and twist herself into the correct position, spinning around to watch, wide eyed, as the van veered around its fallen comrade and raced after them.

Jared grabbed her arm and wrenched her back to face the front, eyes darting to the rearview mirror.

"Put your seatbelt on."

Leah complied and Jared sped forward, rounding the bend back onto the highway with a speed that made her stomach lurch.

"Who are they?" he spat.

"I don't know. I was walking back and Arelie saw me and these cars started chasing me. Zarah said the whole town knows I'm alive."

Jared swore and shot her a glare. "I told you not to let anyone see you!"

"I didn't mean for it to happen."

"That doesn't really make a difference, does it?" Jared snarled.

Leah screamed as the car lurched. Jared had spun around, firing shots at the tires of their pursuer, his hand on the wheel jerking to the side in response. The car behind swerved, dodging the bullets.

He pulled his arm back in, muttering to himself. "I leave you alone for one hour..."

"This isn't my fault!" Leah screamed. "If you hadn't kidnapped me in the first place -"

"You shouldn't have let anybody see you!" Jared yelled over her.

"— we wouldn't be in this situation! Brenton wouldn't have told everyone I'm alive, and these idiots wouldn't be hunting me!"

Jared's foot pressed the accelerator to the ground and they went flying past other cars, honks and curses trailing behind them. Leah glanced around again to find their pursuer mimicking their movements.

"They're keeping up," Leah said.

"I know," Jared snapped, eyes flicking to her. "Can you shoot?"


"Are you good with a gun?"


Jared's eyes moved to the rearview mirror again and his jaw clenched. "Fine, you drive."

"I can't —"

She cut off with a scream when Jared let go of the wheel and the car swerved to the side. Leah launched forward, hands closing around the steering wheel and pulling them back into the lane.

"Are you crazy?" she shouted.

Jared was already leaning out the window, barrel lining up with the car behind them.

Leah heard the shot and then Jared was back inside, swatting her hands away and taking the wheel back. Leah turned and watched as the van skidded, one of its tires blown out. The speed sent it rolling, spinning around like a spit roast until it came to rest just off the road, roof crashed in and windows smashed. Other cars were stopping behind it, people running out towards the wreckage.

Leah turned back around, breathing heavily.

"Oh my god. We just —"

"Calm down," Jared said.

"How can I be calm? We just killed someone. No one could have survived that crash."

Leah looked down to find her hands shaking violently and forced them into fists, nails digging into flesh.

"We didn't kill anyone. Everyone here is already dead," Jared said tonelessly.

Leah looked out the window, clenching her jaw against the oncoming whirl or emotions. They were slowing now, turning down a quieter road that wound into the bush.

"Does that really make a difference?"

Jared was silent for a moment, but Leah refused to look at him, scared of what she'd find written on his face. She wasn't sure when she'd started believing there was something underneath Jared's cold exterior, but she found herself reluctant to shatter the idea.

It was only when Jared pulled into a little alcove between the trees that he answered.

"Only if you let it." 

Black Stars - The Mors Mortis Trilogy Book 1Where stories live. Discover now