Chapter 12 - Turning the Tables

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Vengeance and retribution require a long time; it is the rule.

- Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities

Once Leah's legs provided enough support she scrambled up, pressing her cheek into the cool wall until it cut. The pain allowed a much-needed moment of clarity amongst her chaotic thoughts.

She was in shock. That's why she felt so unbalanced. Deep down she'd never expected to pull this off, or to kiss Jared like that. She closed her eyes, placing mental barriers around any unnecessary emotions and evened out her breathing.

Once she'd stopped shaking, she darted out into the dim corridor, grabbing the first doorknob she found. The room beyond was empty and she rushed to the window. The house was on an acreage. About thirty metres away the Australian bush started, extending up past the hills. She bit down her unease as she took in the unfamiliar surroundings. This didn't look like Narra, but that was okay. As long as she didn't panic, it would all be okay.


Ten minutes later, Leah was panicking.

The kitchen and living room had provided nothing useful and she doubted Jared would remain unconscious much longer.

The next door opened onto a bedroom. Clothes were scattered around the floor and the bedsheets were pushed back haphazardly. She nearly cried in relief when the top draw of the bedside table revealed a line of rope. Bundling it up, Leah turned to leave, but paused as a black bulge protruding from underneath the pillow caught her attention. She edged closer, pulling the object out.

It was Jared's gun.

With a grim smile, Leah thrust it into her pocket and rushed to her room, relieved to find Jared where she'd left him.

She hauled him onto the corner chair and started winding the rope around his body, working methodically until she was sure he wouldn't be able to break free of the binds and knots.

Then, she sat back and waited, eyeing him cautiously. His head was falling limp to the side, brown hair brushing his eyelashes and blood crusting under his nose, and for reasons Leah didn't want to analyse just yet, she grabbed a cloth and started wiping the blood away. He looked vulnerable like this, harmless enough to confuse her.

Until today Jared had occupied only one band of her heart, the one dominated by fear and anger. Now there was something else leaking in, sinister in its subtlety. It made her want to get up and run as far and fast as she could. But that wasn't an option anymore. She'd been dragged too deep to leave here without answers.

Movement beneath her fingers snapped Leah back to reality and she jerked her hand away. Jared's eyes had opened and he was watching her like one watched a mirage; distant but determined.

Leah jumped back, pulling the gun from her waist and pointing it at him.

"Don't move."

For a moment he stared in confusion, but then he glanced down at the ropes. His gaze travelled back to the gun and it clicked. A look of pure, acid-coated fury crossed his features, his eyes lashed with a darkness that swallowed Leah up whole.

"I see you found my gun."

His words were slurred and he frowned after he spoke, shaking his head to clear it.

Leah didn't answer.

"And you tied me up," Jared continued.

"Yeah, I did," Leah said, gun hand wavering slightly as he continued to stare.

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