I guess I could understand their fascination. Who would have thought a few short months ago they'd have a video production crew just like all the other big bands? 

"Ready to go?" Duff says, squeezing my hand.

"Hell yeah." I smile.

We get out of the car together, and Duff grabs my hand. Axl is already here and talking to some guy, so we follow him over. 

We're approached by the mousey looking man with big ears.

"Hi, I'm Nigel. I'm going to be directing the video." he says to Slash, and Slash shakes his hand.

He proceeds to go through the entire band, shaking each person's hand. I let go of Duff so he can shake Nigel's hand too. 

When he gets to me, his face turns up into an even bigger smile. "You must be Anastasia." he says to me, and I'm not sure why I blush.

"Nice to meet you." I say politely, offering him my hand. He shakes it, but begins talking quickly.

"I was able to see the cut of the Aerosmith video before they released it. You're a very talented young lady." he says, flattering me to no end.

"Thank you. I appreciate that." I respond, and Nigel starts to get to work.

He speaks to the hair and make-up artists and also to the young ladies in wardrobe. 

"Okay so this is what we've decided to do. We're going to re-create Axl's arrival to L.A. So for this first scene, I want Axl dressed like he just came off the bus from Indiana. I need a drug dealer. Did they hire me someone to play the drug dealer?" Nigel looks around him, searching for someone.

"No? No drug dealer? Okay, we'll improvise." he says, and his eyes flick around the room once more- settling, ultimately, on Izzy. 

"You. You're our drug dealer." he says, grabbing Izzy by the shoulders. 

The look on Izzy's face is hysterical. The rest of the guys look at me and then at each other, and we all simultaneously burst out in laughter. 

Izzy the fucking drug dealer. 

"Okay, so his hair needs to go back- I don't want it hanging in his face." he instructs.

"So Axl gets off the bus, he's approached by a drug dealer who tries to sell him some smack, Axl denies it. The next thing we know, a tall, sexy, blonde stripper walks by, and Axl can't help but turn to check her out.--That's where you come in Ana." he nods at me. 

"Alright. Let's start with that." Nigel says, and the crew starts to move. 

I shift my feet nervously. 

"This guy sounds like he really knows what he's doing." I whisper to Duff.

"Your telling me." he answers. 

Before I know it, a short red-head is tapping me on the shoulder. 

"Anastasia?" she questions.

"Yup that's me." I smile.

She offers me her hand. "Juliana Wilder. I'm one of the wardrobe stylists."

I notice her eyes are on Duff, who is talking with Slash, Steven, and one of the sound guys. A flick of jealousy overcomes me.

I re-enter her line of vision and she splutters nervously as she realizes she's been caught. 

"Oh- I--uh-- right this way." she mutters.

I offer her a snide glare. "Give me one second."

I walk right over to Duff, and as if by instinct, he grabs me by my waist and pulls me in tight to him. This causes me to glance over at Juliana, whose jealous gaze could cut glass. I shoot her a vainglorious smile, and she looks away quickly. 

LiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora