Chapter 11

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Mark's Pov.

How the f*ck am I supposed to pick. What the hell are these buttons going to do. I cant pick one! But if I don't pick one they both die. If I pick Maria she dies. If I pick Sara she dies. WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO!?!
l looked over towards the clock. 2 minutes remained. I'm going to have to pick one... but who. This is bullsh*t!

Maria's Pov.

The clock started counting down.

I started panicking. What happens when that timer reaches 0. I looked back up at Sara. She looked worried too.

"What do we do?"

"I don't know... We just need to stay calm"

Sara's Pov.

I was freaking out in the inside. Where are we. What the f*ck is going on?!?. I looked over at the timer. When that timer hits 0, something bad is going to happen. I dont know what it is, bit i know its nothing good. I looked back over towards Maria.

Maria's Pov.

"Do you think there's a way out of here?"

"Maybe... We should probably try something."

Jack's Pov.

Where am I now? My back was on fire from being hit. I had a splitting headache. I opened my eyes. I was sitting in a chair. I was in some sort of security room. There were lights on, but they weren't very bright. I looked up. There was 3 monitors in front of me. One showed Sara, sitting next to a wall. Another showed Maria, doing the same. The last one showed Mark, In some sort of room He seemed very stressed out. There were two buttons in front of him. I wanted to help them, but I couldn't see anything that I could use. What the f*ck is going on here?!?!

Mark's Pov.

1 minute left on the clock. I'm going to have to pick one.
I closed my eyes, hand out, I pushed one of the buttons.

Sorry for no upload yesterday and the fact that this chapter is short. I posted thos becase wanted to upload something even if it was short. There might be another delay in uploads. Idk for sure. I'm probably going to need some more time to think this story out. If anyone wants to give me some ideas, please message them to me! I'm open to ideas. Anyways see u in the next chapter.


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