Chapter 7

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Sara's Pov.

"C'mom Sara! please wake up"

I had a headache. Someone was shaking me. I groaned. I took in a deep breath of air. How am I'm not dead?!?! Am I back down in the basement? I opened one eye. I was laying on the ground. We were moving. I looked up. There was someone standing in front of me. I gasped. OMFG. Is he really standing right in front of me?


I pulled myself up. Mark almost fell over as I tackled him.

"Mark... I'm so glad you're okay... I thought I would never see you again."

Tears were streaming down my face. He's alive... He's not in any major pain... we're both still alive...

"Where are we?"

"I'm not sure..."

I stood up and took a look at our surrounding. We were in a rectangular room some crates in the corner. The "room" looked old. Like its been used many times before. The ground was shaking.

"Are we in a truck?"

"Um... I think so..."

I immediately thought about Jack and Maria. If we're in a truck then... Where are they? I sat down on one of the boxes in the corner.

"Where the f*ck is Jack?"

"And Maria."

"Who's Maria?"

"She's my adopted sister, has been ever since her parents died in a plane crash."

I didn't want to talk about her. I just wanted to get out of this truck. I've always had slight motion sickness and I did not want to throw up in front of Mark.

"How have you been since I've seen you last Mark."

"Once I was pulled out of the basement, they led me to this tiny room and I sat by myself for hours. After that I was pulled into some sort of makeshift fighting arena. I was forced to fight other people for their amusement. During my last fight I was hit over the head and knocked unconcious...

Tears were still streaming down my face. I can't believe that he was forced to fight...

"When I woke up I was in some sort of room. Thats when you walked in. I wanted to shout and tell you I'm okay, but I was worried they would kill me. I watched as he cut you and drowned you. Abuse you for their amusement. I just wanted to shout that you'll be okay, that I'll save you. Once I saw you were unconcious I broke down. I thought you were dead, that he killed you. Thats when a needle was injected in my back and I passed out. The last thing i saw before i passed out was your limp body. I woke up in this truck and that when I found you. You were laying on the ground. I wasn't sure if you were dead or not. I spent at least 5 minutes trying to wake you up."

"Did you get hurt in the fights?"

"I got some scratches and bruises, but I other than that I'm alright."

"Thank god... I hope Jack and Maria are alright. I'm worried about them."

"They'll be..."

The truck came to a stop. We fell silent. Where are we? The door slid open. 6 men with guns pulled us on our feet, out of the truck , and on to the ground. I stood there, nervous, waiting for what they were going to do next. We were in a field. It looks like we're not in Ireland... bit where are we? There was a helicopter beside us. I looked over at Mark. He looked right back at me. He mouthed something

"We'll be alright"

I nodded, but I wasn't sure if should believe him.

Glad I got a chapter uploaded today. I was busy so I'm sorry it's a little late, but I pretty sure that you guys won't mind.

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